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共 294710 个APK 下载 最新版本

Premier football app offering worldwide LIVE scores covering more than 400 leagues, immediate push notifications from your favorite teams with goal vi

16.45 MB

※More than 20 MILLION downloads ! ※Top 10 in more than 30 countries! Main Features of "All Football": - Football News - Live Scores - Match Details -

45.96 MB

المعلم الالكتروني هو برنامج تعليمي يقوم بمساعدة الطلاب الاردنيين في دروسهم. يقوم البرنامج بايجاد حلول جميع الاسئلة لجميع المواد من الصف الرابع حتى صف

29.62 MB

The original version of the old live broadcast of the matches .. The original Ben Sport channels application - Live Matches is the best live broadcast

13.45 MB

Официальное приложение для записи на прием к врачу для следующих регионов Российской Федерации:  Пермский край, Республика Крым, Астраханская область.

41.83 MB

EIRC SPb/PSK is the official application of JSC "PSK" and JSC "EIRC SPb" for owners and tenants of residential premises. - Pay for housing and communa

37.74 MB

Foundations of the important, to be your first reference for the most important events and news that Morocco and the world know. Al-important is keen

4.29 MB

It is a simple blood glucose management app. Record blood glucose levels before and after each meal in the morning, day and night. You can also record

18.27 MB

واعي، تطبيق متخصص في علاج إدمان الإباحية بإشراف نخبة من المتخصصين،رسالتنا هي الدعوة إلى العِفَّة ونشر الفضيلة ومحاربة الرذيلة, ومساعدة مدمنيها على الت

7.83 MB

The Developer Blog for Informatics, which was founded by Thaer Al-Zamili in the early years of 2017, an Iraqi blogger who loves the Internet, owner of

5.96 MB

Aerial Views is a video screensaver featuring beautiful 4K HDR videos. NOTE: Streaming videos can use a lot of bandwidth. Please make sure to have the

2.92 MB
acmqueue 7.0.22

acmqueue is the ACM's magazine for practicing software engineers. Written by software practitioners and developers for software practitioners and deve

26.48 MB

Food delivery from Khlebnoy to Gavrilov-Yam has now become even more convenient with a new mobile application. Burgers, pasta and of course delicious

27.37 MB

Chat GPT – AI Chat is optimizing language model for dialogue Chat GPT – AI Chat is the most advanced AI Chat bot in 2022, Chat GPT, Chabot AI is artif

12.88 MB

AioCare Patient is a personal application for patients who suffer from asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis (CF), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) and all

46.32 MB

The application of successful cake recipes without the net is one of the group of free cooking applications that the Wasafat Fofa store provides free

8.76 MB

The new TANFEDOR app is an informational support for the activities of the new Tandoor page. The application contains A local news section listing the

6.93 MB

Abdel Halim Hafez without the net is designed and programmed in a professional way, and the songs were carefully selected for everyone in terms of sou

91.62 MB

Официальное приложение аптек «Планета Здоровья» создано для Вашего удобства. Скачайте приложение и пользуйтесь услугами «Планета Здоровья», где бы Вы

11.71 MB

月次利用者数約6000万人・掲載レシピ数270万品以上! 日本最大の料理レシピ検索・投稿サービス「クックパッド」の公式アプリ。 レシピに特化して、最大限使いやすく・便利にしたアプリでは、時短、節約、簡単、ダイエットなど気になるテーマからお菓子、パンなどのカテゴリー、料理名や食材から検索できて、どんな

15.67 MB