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Fast Charging is a wonderful tool to speed android’s charging up to 140%. You can set no sooner does your android device connect to a adapter than Fas

3.96 MB

복잡한 스케줄러 대신 간편한 메모장으로 쓰자! 급하게 기억하려고 해 둔 달력 메모! 메모를 했다는 사실조차 잊어버리셨죠? 이제 달력메모장 앱으로 한눈에 확인하세요! 위젯에서 쉽게 메모하고 달력에서 한눈에~ 건망증 탈출!!! 일기장으로 사용해도 좋아요!!! [달력 메모장

5.21 MB

+공지사항+ 어플 설치후 꼭 한번은 실행시켜주셔야 정상동작합니다. *차량 탑승시 네비 자동실행!! *네비음성 + 라디오 듣기기능!! (네비 음성은 폰으로 출력되고 라디오는 차량스피커로 출력됩니다. 전화는 블루투스로 받을 수 있습니다) 티맵, 김기사, 올레, 유플러스,아

5.17 MB

生まれた年・年齢のどちらかを入力すれば「年齢・干支・年号・皇紀・西暦電卓」が調べられる便利なアプリ。操作はとてもシンプルで、西暦・年齢で検索する場合は「西暦」or「年齢」ボタンをタップして数字を入力、年号の場合は「昭和」や「平成」などをタップしてから数字を入力します。 「明治前」のボタンをタップする

1.63 MB
kölbi+ 3.1

kölbi + es una aplicación que le permite a los clientes del ICE obtener información de primera mano, acerca de los horarios que maneja cada una de las

5.58 MB

Do you think it's time to changeyour system keypadfor a brand new“keyboard customizer”? Then you've found just the right app! Love Keyboard Themeis th

6.34 MB

Hack wifi is a prank. When you show it to your friends, Your friends will be image about you : "You are a hacker, you attack to The wifi." Your friend

3.25 MB

Free Wifi 2016 is a new free tool app that will help you to improve your router security in few steps. The steps to follow are so simple. Start openin

4.69 MB

This application provides the best features to save the battery time of your phone or tablet. Whenever battery runs low or goes down too much then jus

4.22 MB

5.26 MB

6.47 MB
Calculus+ 1.0

2.84 MB
4 Pics 1 Word 3.11.3zg

37.34 MB

Hygro-thermometer is designed for displaying temperature, barometric pressure and humidity of current location. When you go out , you can check all th

8.75 MB
Repost 1.0

4.77 MB

24.8 MB

7.01 MB
WiFi Tools 1.2.0

6.93 MB

MyPocketMoney is an online based work at home, Freelancing hub of thousands of online job opportunities and affiliating marketing of over 5,000 high s

1.27 MB

4.37 MB