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共 294712 个APK 下载 最新版本

The second step of a heated battle with a big fish is coming! This time marlin, tuna, and surprisingly shark appears too! Various types of big fish ap

36.33 MB

It’s Sports Day today! Will Baby Hazel lead her team to victory??? Take part in Sports Day games with Baby Hazel! Help her to practice for the competi

21.78 MB

'Holiday Calendar 2018 - India' lists major festivals and holidays observed in India in 2017 and 2018 - Search button to search and plan holidays - Ca

2.87 MB

❤ Latest text messages and wishes greetings. ❤ SMS Quotes and Status Message is a collection of messages for any kind of occasion. Get latest quotes a

4.15 MB

9.16 MB

원조 [모두의 웹툰]앱 네이버웹툰,다음웹툰 등 현재 17여개의 웹툰이 등록되어 있습니다 [필수접근 권한]
 저장: 콘텐츠를 기기에 저장하거나 읽기 위해 필요한 권한입니다.

3.91 MB
民視新聞 1.3.33

【民視新聞】提供下列內容: 1.民視新聞Live直播:民視新聞台、民視台灣台、民視交通台、民視無線台及重大新聞現場直播。 2.民視新聞節目直播:台灣演義、新聞觀測站、台灣學堂、民視異言堂、政經看民視、國會最前線、大家講看嘜、挑戰新聞、民視英語新聞、民視全球新聞、民視體育新聞。 3.每日重大熱門新聞:

12.22 MB

香港, 中國, 台灣, 日本常用的度量衡單位轉換程式, 備有實時換算, 可輸入負數, 提供以下幾類單位換算: 1. 重量 2. 長度 3. 面積 4. 體積/容量 5. 溫度 6. 功率 7. 速度 8. 壓力 9. 電腦記憶體單位 10. 貨幣 (使用時自動更新匯率)  其他功能: * 支援 AP

4.65 MB

День Рождения – удивительный праздник. Каждый год он приходит к каждому из нас и приносит радостные чувства, делает нас опытнее и мудрее. Важно, чтобы

6.76 MB

"Тесты для девочек" - это сборник лучших психологических тестов специально для девочек школьного возраста. Установи приложение и узнай: на сколько ты

3.78 MB

Lock screen protect your phone Lock screen by passcode Lock screen by keypad This Lock screen is very simple, beautiful and useful Mutiple beautiful w

8.62 MB
csl Wi-Fi

csl Wi-Fi – search for hotspots and have the Internet at your fingertips! As Hong Kong’s leading wireless broadband service provider, csl Wi-Fi is the

12.14 MB

The best call recorder, automatic call recorder. Another name is auto call recorder. call recorder is best call recording app to record phone calls. B

7.05 MB

Build and configure a range of vehicles - experiment with different visual tuning options to create your dream cars. 10 Vehicles available with much m

15.75 MB

6.69 MB

One of the best file manager for Android. All the files on your SD-card he categorizes that facilitates access to the desired content without having t

2.68 MB

Hide any file(Pictures, Audio, Videos and etc.) or folder in seconds! Fast and reliable! App disguised as a fully functional Tip Calculator. To the An

2.72 MB

Dock4Droid is the first Dock task manager for the Android platform. You can quickly access your running tasks from anywhere you currently are in your

1.04 MB

Welcome to the Blood Party! Play together with up to 4 people and compete in deadly game shows. Customize your zombie, build your own levels, share th

3.13 MB

55.39 KB