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共 294707 个APK 下载 最新版本

Sembako means Sembilan Bahan Pokok in Indonesia. This simple App is build for those who realy care in consuming sembako with lowest price, at this tim

3.23 MB

Surprise your friends with wishes and greeting cards! Send them lovely video greetings, wishes and quotes on pictures and show them how thankful you a

12.08 MB

Nomes Origem e Significado é uma aplicação que lhe permite: 1- Conhecer a origem e o significado do seu nome; 2- Conhecer uma variedade de nomes própr

2.28 MB

. Читает сам автор. Сказки Чуковского читать можно с самого раннего детства. Стихи Чуковского со сказочными мотивами - отличные детские произведения,

30.91 MB

Check out the YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl7HTUV3zi8 ★★★★★ No. #1 on the TOP FREE Books Category in the Apple App Store ★★★★★ ★★★★★

1.35 MB

Сборник самых вкусных и оригинальных рецептов салатов. Не требует подключения к интернету. Мясные, овощные, фруктовые, рыбные. Детальное описание приг

13.84 MB

Здесь говорится об особенностях характера, психологической совместимости и стратегии поведения на самых неожиданных поворотах судьбы. В приложении при

4.73 MB

"Fear not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen you and help you, and uphold thee with the right hand of my righte

7.43 MB

Guide for very famous strategy game. Made by Game Freak, we know what kind of Tips & Strategy you are looking for! This App feature not only Video Str

3.94 MB

Resep masakan sederhana merupakan aplikasi berisi berbagai macam resep masakan rumahan. Aplikasi ini cocok bagi anda yang membutuhkan referensi membua

8.55 MB

Cansado daquelas frases burras e sem graça? Cansado de ser o único da turma que tem intelecto superior? Seu QI é maior do que a maioria de seus colega

2.65 MB

CraftBook is the most comprehensive Minecraft companion guide available in Google Play and offers everything a player of the game needs. With this app

9.02 MB

Kamus Mutarjim adalah kamus yang dapat menerjemahkan kata dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Indonesia atau sebaliknya, dengan tampilan yang userfriendly muda

7.95 MB

Pocketbook Appendix is english version of Techo-no-furoku(手帳の付録). This application is like the Japanese pocketbook appendix. It has a lot of informati

2.95 MB

ネットで流れた【怖い話に特化】した厳選まとめアプリです。 回線接続不要の持ち歩き便利タイプ。 こんな人におススメ☆ ●髪を洗う時のシャワーが異様に怖い ●後ろという後ろが気になって仕方がない ●怖い思いをすると夜眠れなくなる 【更新】 定期的に怖い話を更新しています。 【投稿受付】 トビきり怖い話、

1.31 MB

Mempelajari basic penggunaan Autocad 2007 untuk 2D Cocok untuk perancang bangungan/arsitek maupun pelajar Daftar isi : Pengenalan Autocad 2007 Daftar

3.49 MB
Weave braid 2.0.1

Plait braids has never been so easy! Following the step by step instructions with illustrations and descriptions, you can braid plait any complexity.

34.04 MB

Escuche la historia original de Jesus. El nacimiento de Jesús y otros acontecimientos de su niñez y juventud. Su bautismo, años de predicación, enseña

6.17 MB

Diccionario Bíblico Mundo Hispano, ideado exclusivamente para su libre distribución y su facilidad de uso en dispositivos Android, cuenta con más de 3

4.69 MB

Spanish Beautiful Quotes 3 brings you the most interesting and beautiful phrases allowing you to share them with your friends through email, Whatsapp,

6.66 MB