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共 294707 个APK 下载 最新版本

Encontre os valores X de modo rápido e fácil. Este app irá te ajudar a resolver equações do segundo grau rapidamente. ax² + bx + c = 0 Desenvolvida pa

305.96 KB
Bhaskara 1.0

Find the delta values and the roots of an equation of degree 2. Make sure you found the right values now was super easy, compare your answer with the

812.51 KB
Bhaskara 1.0

calcula e mostra o Delta , x1 e x2. mostra quando o delta é negativo .

1.42 MB

Ever thought that solving Quadratic equations was very hard? Not anymore. With this app you can solve the toughest of the quadratic equations in just

1.54 MB
Whatsoever 1.023

Keep up with latest news and current affairs around the world. Know what's popular on social media sites. + Search through Twitter, Google+ and Instag

1.44 MB

Install Color Blast Photo Editor - Shimmer Effect with wide range of unique photo editing effects. Use the effects of this photo editor to give your i

12.8 MB

DSLR Blur Background Effect is an android phone application which in photography. Due to this application you can apply a great DSLR blur effect on yo

4.59 MB

Dumala Sahib Photo Editor offers you various HD Dumala Sahib for an instant Dumala Sahib growth easily and free to use and make your face differently.

8.3 MB

Damala Sahib Photo Editor is a new app Damala Sahib Turban stickers to add to your perfect photo in a second and make your beautiful photo with Damala

6.19 MB

This amazing Modern Arab Man Suit Photo Maker will let you to try on different varieties of suits. Just a single click and you can try wide variety of

11.97 MB

How to make your body slim and fit for Outside activity.Here is a solution.Also You can tell your story of loosing weight or getting taller with this

1.14 MB

GoSexy - Make Me Thin Photo Editor is wonderful app. By using this app you can make your body slim and do more fun. You just install this app then sel

4.17 MB

Body Slimmer Photo Editor How to make your body slim and fit for Outside activity.Here is a solution.Change figureAlso You can tell your story of loos

1.51 MB

Body slim - Face thin & Selfie Photo Weight Reduce Description What would you want a perfect figure with thin face and slimming body? Do you worry too

1.31 MB

Fire Text Photo Frame is fire name maker app to make your name with fire. Stylish Text Creator contains the gorgeous fire background which makes your

12.21 MB

Fire Text Photo Collage Editor - Fire Text Photo collage Maker Give you different Fire text style photo, alphabets styles, Fancy text styles, backgrou

17.51 MB

Creative Text Photo Collages with your photos. Your Photos appears in words creating Picture in Picture Effects and creating word collages for your pi

6 MB

Anniversary Photo Frames create best looking photos with Anniversary Frames that are unique to our application. You can crop your photo by selecting o

8.16 MB

Create-customize Anniversary Cake images that you can send to your friends and family members you can add your own wishes and name on the cake. Use ou

7.9 MB
Bhaskara 1.0

Resolva equações do 2 grau em segundos. Com o app Bhaskara você resolve equações do 2 grau em segundo com a resolução de suas raízes. - App leve e sim

60.26 KB