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共 294710 个APK 下载 最新版本

Living gluten free can be a challenge but we’ve made it easy for you with our Gluten Free Food Checker app. Winner of the MemCom 2019 award for Best U

14.11 MB

We’ve made eating out gluten free easier for you. Our app helps you find suitable venues while out and about. Whether it’s to grab food on the go or f

4.89 MB

Avec l’App «Info asthme», vous pouvez vérifier si votre asthme est bien contrôlé. L’App vous donne une illustration statistique de son évolution et, g

7.65 MB

Kalendarz Pylenia umożliwia przeglądanie i śledzenie pylenia dla wybranych roślin w Polsce. Aplikacja w szczególności przyda się wszystkim cierpiącym

5.86 MB
biowetter 1.0.0

Die Biowetter App bietet Ihnen als All-In-One-App täglich aktuelle Informationen zu folgende Inhalten: • Pollenwetter Die aktuellen Belastungswerte fü

2.07 MB

Allergic illnesses are associated not just with allergens, but also with lifestyles. Recording symptoms regularly and telling the treating physician a

8.96 MB

See the current pollen count for today and the next 3 days. Also displays the type of allergen for the day.

4.69 MB

Application to quickly check the pollen levels in your area from the data of several data sources that are consulted daily (although they do not alway

1.5 MB

Today's Pollental is the best way to get your daily pollen updates! Create a personal pollen profile and get the latest numbers, measurements and grap

2.64 MB
Eternal 2.0

eternal c'est une applectaion elle vous presente les nouveautés de la mode

159.14 KB

Food allergies are common and can be difficult to diagnose. Children may be especially vulnerable to reactions from food. Use this handy guide to find

1.89 MB

If you are having a gluten intolerance then you came to the right place. Because we want to help you with your celiac disease and try to make your lif

2.33 MB

Gluten free recipes app offers you many quick and easy recipes. These include salad, sandwiches, soup, stew, chocolate cakes, appetizers, pizza and sn

5.87 MB

Take this opportunity to show your love to the most important man in your life. fathers day cards app let you send beautiful greetings on Fathers Day.

7.56 MB

Vegan food Cookbook. Quick and Easy Cooking Best recipes & dishes. Top Rated & reviewed recipes of your favorite cuisine. 100% FREE app. Start cooking

8.32 MB

Being a healthy vegan is no more difficult than being a healthy non-vegan. Like many forms of cooking, vegan cooking can be as simple or as creative a

6.54 MB

A vegan diet utilizes only plant sources for food and nutrients, and excludes all animal products. Vegans do not eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy produc

2.17 MB

Gets vegetarian and vegan diet for more health and energy through the careful combination of ingredients made ​​by us in each of the recipes you will

4.97 MB
黃大仙 1.81

黃大仙畫面逼真形象生動,音樂彷彿身臨其境。對於中國人而言,抽籤算命是家喻戶曉的。至於簽之靈驗與否,則褒貶不一。若您在黃大仙廟求簽的話,也可以利用此遊戲查看簽文解簽 此靈簽整整一百支,按寓意吉凶之差別分有五種︰上上簽、上吉簽、中吉簽、中平簽、下下簽。上上簽僅有三支,上吉簽稍多一點有十二支,中吉簽三十支

27.76 MB

呂祖靈簽面生動傳神,佛教常說要“存好心,說好話,做好事”。存好心,誠意老天好運到,心有聖賢,就像良田收成好;說好話,慈悲愛語如東陽,鼓勵讚美,就像百花處處香;做好事舉手之勞功德妙,服務奉獻,就像滿月高空照”。 並且此款算命工具配有靜心音曲。 此韱簽整整一百支,很全面的解韱有家宅,姻緣,財運,出行,自

21.04 MB