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共 294707 个APK 下载 最新版本

App di gestione interna per l'azienda Gti Trasporti

7.76 MB

Ứng dụng 450 câu hỏi ôn tập GPLX ô tô xem như là một cẩm nang dùng để ôn tập cho kỳ thi sát hạch, cấp giấy phép lái xe cơ giới đường bộ. Ứng dụng bao

11.7 MB

Ứng dụng giúp bạn tra cứu biển số xe theo thành phố, khu vực một cách nhanh chóng và tiện dụng. Ngoài tra biển số ứng dụng còn giúp biết thêm thông ti

3.46 MB

Die App misst via GPS die Zeit die benötigt wird um von einer bestimmten Startgeschwindigkeit bis zu einer bestimmten Endgeschwindigkeit zu gelangen.

2.62 MB

The Leitner system serves as a tool to improve the long-term memory retention of new vocabulary. The basic idea is to review flashcards at increasing

17.06 MB

Use Leitner 3D to memorize and learn anything in a fast way. You can study languages, chemistry, history, science, vocabulary, and improve your knowle

4.64 MB
Lemorize 1.4.5

Learn and memorize everything forever with Lemorize. It’s is a free tool that helps you study faster, never forget what you’ve studied and ace your te

3.42 MB
B15 7.6

لطفا توجه فرمایید این نرم افزار بصورت کامل رایگان نیست و قسمت های اصلی آن نیازمند کد کاربری خریداری شده از سایت اصلی b15.ir هست. توضیحات نرم افزار: 1.

3.59 MB

영어 단어를 하루에 3개의 단어만 외워도 1년이면 1095개의 단어를 외울 수 있습니다. 1800개의 영단어가 등록되어 있고, 랜덤으로 하나씩 출력해 주는 영단어 암기 위젯입니다. 학습 완료된 단어 관리 및 터치로 단어의 의미를 노출 시켜 편의성을 높였습니다. 개인 적

2.68 MB
ItinéRennes 0.6.7

Find informations about the transportation network in Rennes, France. Gets bus times and public bikes availability. Trip planner is actually in develo

2.34 MB
WeGo 2.1.3

WeGo Rennes est une application « approuvée STAR » label qui garantit à l’utilisateur la qualité et l’exactitude de l’information qu’elle véhicule. Gr

3.72 MB

Aplikasi Ini Lho ITS berisikan kumpulan informasi yang lengkap mengenai kampus Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Aplikasi ini juga merupak

10.97 MB
ITS 1.0.0

ITS Mobile App is the exclusive app for students of I.T.S Engineering College. The app provides access to a number of useful campus services from your

13.79 MB

Read and listen verse by verse recitation of Surah Al-Jummah - سورة الجمعة in beautiful voices of many International reciters. The only app with so ma

3.83 MB
SmartCab 1.2

Bestel direct met een paar klikken, via je smartphone of tablet, een SmartCab met een dienstverlenende chauffeur. Met de app kan met een half uur aanm

6.87 MB

ALDL Scan Simulator allows potential buyer's of our 'ALDL Bluetooth Scanner / Code Reader / Adapter' to try the ALDL Scan App on their Android device.

415.18 KB

For those of you who want to learn MVC Framework and want to find the right tutorial. You should try this app. Inside Learn MVC Framework Offline app

5.69 MB
ASP 1.0.0

This App contains 1,000+ questions. This ASP.NET programming test is the best way to improve your skill about ASP.NET programming. This ASP.NET progra

6.18 MB
Korrig'Open 2.2.2

Korrig'Open est une application basée sur les données des bus, métros, vélos et parc-relais de Rennes. Données en temps réel, issues de l'Open Data, m

3.05 MB

E-Cigarette / E-liquid / Advanced Personal Vaporizer Calculator Create your own coils: - 9 spiral materials - Normal, Micro and Clapton coil - Differe

3.52 MB