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共 294710 个APK 下载 最新版本

易简学拼音点读机机是一款专门针对幼儿、一年级小学生、学汉语拼音的外国友人等拼音初学者人群设计的可以点读的学拼音软件! 拼音点读机中的声母、韵母、整体认读音节均有标准发音,声母+韵母可自由组合出所有汉字的拼音,全部拼音均可拼读,并显示相应的常见汉字,便于学习,软件界面简洁,简单易用,是一款不错的有声点

11.5 MB
Pinyinlua 1.0

拼音学习的好工具,好助手。学习轻松点,效果不自觉中提升。 ------------ # 分别设置声母、韵母、整体认读小板块,简单清楚。 # 专门设置了声调学习区,点击红色带有声调的韵母便会放大、发音。 # 小朋友可以“锁定”拼音表全面系统的学习发音,也可以“进入”拼音表进行详细具体的学习。

23.42 MB

أما الملحق "أذربيجاني" قد تم إعداده للأشخاص المهتمين بالمطبخ الأذربيجاني فهوعبارة عن دليل يشرح طرق طبخ المأكولات الأذرية اللذيذة وأيضا سيقوم بدورالمرش

28.68 MB
ElCaldo cifu

ElCaldo es la extensión perfecta para el estudiante de cocina, ama de casa, restaurantes hogareños, chef o incluso cualquier persona que desea prepara

8.06 MB
Spanish 2.0

Learn Spanish Vocabulary With images. Thousands of Spanish vocabulary with interactive pictures. Test your score after every category.

58.89 MB

Easily learn Chinese phrases and words. You can learn Chinese phrases and words from our native Chinese speaking parrot. Learning Chinese can never be

22.47 MB

Learn Mandarin Chinese Free is the best app for everyone to learn all everyday Chinese vocabs and phrases with authentic Chinese pronunciation. Hear,

17.06 MB

Indian Food Calories app also syncs with Fat Secret Professional, the most convenient way to share your food, exercise and weight with your preferred

2.2 MB
Learn Chinese

Application for learning Chinese characters.

5.47 MB

The best app to learn Chinese - TutorMandarin! -1-on-1 professional Chinese tutors -Mobile app and PC virtual classroom with virtual whiteboard -Full

41.62 MB

Learn Chinese: Grammar A1 is the number one app for beginners learning Grammar Chinese on the Google play store. Our app have many grammar and funny e

6.9 MB

"HSK Helper - HSK Level 1 Word Practice" contains 172 words which are in Chinese, English and Thai. Each word has native Chinese pronunciation, transl

3.2 MB

This app provides interactive exercises. You can randomly play a pinyin initial/final first, then you select an answer. If you are not sure, you can p

1.47 MB

Are you looking for easy and delicious hot sauce recipes? LOOK NO FURTHER! Try this pizza sauce recipes app now! You will find it very helpful. Making

3.69 MB

This incredible Famous Sauce Recipe app has all the sauce recipes. Not only will you find delicious sauce recipes, but they are broken down into conve

4.35 MB
PivApp 2.0

Pure instant messaging — simple, fast, secure, and synced across all your devices. Over 100 million active users in two and a half years. FAST: PivApp

19.11 MB

Ky app vjen ne ndihme per Hyrje në programim dhe C++ , Leksione nga Avni Rexhepi Përmbajtja: Hyrje në programim Interpreterët dhe kompajlerët. Hyrje n

25.29 MB
Samurai 1.1

O app de delivery do Samurai Gourmet. O Samurai Gourmet é um restaurante de comida japonesa localizado em Juiz de Fora. Temos diversas variedades de p

7.63 MB

Merkezi yazılılar ve yıl sonu notları kullanarak liselere geçiş için kullanılacak olan Yerleştirmeye esas puanı(YEP) kolay ve kullanıcı dostu arayüzü

4.68 MB
Loki 1.33

Loki is the smart WiFi meat thermometer designed to help track your main course to a perfect finish, while YOU enjoy the party... or the game across t

34.06 MB