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共 294710 个APK 下载 最新版本

Engineers Gallery- 8051, AVR, 8051 projects, 8051 microcontroller projects, AVR projects, AVR tutorial, AVR microcontroller projects, electronics proj

1.45 MB

Telur adalah sumber yang juga terkenal kaya protein, selain kalori dan lemak. Protein adalah blok pembangun penting dari tulang, otot, tulang rawan, k

3.81 MB

Aplikasi ini berisi aneka olahan tempe yang mudah dan praktis untuk dipraktikkan. Beragam masakan dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia ada di sini. Semua

7.38 MB

Tambahan makanan disela-sela pemberian ASI atau dikenal dengan makanan pendamping ASI (MPASI) sangat dianjurkan diberikan kepada bayi yang sudah berus

6.92 MB

【內容特色】 1. 任何時間任何地點,使用平板或手機都可以學習 2. 扣點機制:點數管理影片,扣點後才能觀看影片。透過點數有效管理學生學習 3. 提供24小時不打烊的試聽中心 4. 學員可以馬上收到第一手的最新消息與個人專屬資訊 5. 線上進度課程,一手掌握最新考情和課程訊息 6. HD高畫質影音:

22.68 MB

Cheese Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Cheese Recipes was chosen for you! The

8.25 MB

Kids Party Food Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Kids Party Food Recipes was c

8.96 MB

Kids Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Kids Recipes was chosen for you! They’re

8.38 MB

Looking for the best Cake recipes? Delicious and easy recipes, Find a lot of top rated sweets recipes including cheesecake recipe, chocolate cake reci

3.2 MB

-Multiple unit converter is simple application for conversion of different units -It's offline app. Once you download you''ll not required internet co

1.68 MB
Foodzie 2.0

Recipe Foodzie is quick and easy to learn and make food recipes. You can find all types of foods in the WORLD here. Recipe Foodzie is FREE app and it

8.39 MB

Japanese character table (Hiragana & Katakana & Rōmaji) and quiz. Let's challenge yourself!! This app provides an test for you to Gojūon * This app do

2.28 MB

Semoga aplikasi ini bisa membantu memudahkan Anda atau putra putri Anda mempelajari pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas 1 sekolah dasar dengan salah satu

31.3 MB

تطبيق عرب سبورت يهتم بكل ما يتعلق بالاخبار الرياضية العالمية و العربية ويتضمن كذالك البث المباشر للمباريات الهامة

10.27 MB

Chocolate Cake Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Chocolate Cake Recipes was cho

8.25 MB

Birthday Cakes Recipes free app brings you the collection of best recipes across the world. This luscious collection of Birthday Cakes Recipes was cho

6.96 MB

With data more than 3,000 questions. - JLPT Practice Test N1-N5 will help you to practice all types of post market JLPT exercises. - The test of Kanji

1.9 MB

Spanish Food Recipes is an app to explore savory food from the land of Spain. Try these hot or cold tapas to seafood paella, traditional omelette to g

12.09 MB

Juice Recipes: good, healthy, easy, quick cooking recipes. Juice Recipes for quick recipes, healthy recipes, easy recipes for your daily food recipes.

7.91 MB

Microchip's WCM (Wi-Fi Client Module) Development Kit 1 is designed to enable you to quickly and easily connect an embedded system to a cloud-based se

3.67 MB