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共 294710 个APK 下载 最新版本

Support Android 12 Using Android App Bundle to reduce app size Fix crash

21.07 MB

9.93 MB

- Melhorias em todo sistema de gerenciamento. - Acertos em fluxos de imagem. - Acelerado o sistema de login. - Novo modo de visualizacao.

12.47 MB

The New Anime Wallpaper Full HD Resolution

10.46 MB

Compartilhe Salas Personalizadas Com O FFSensity

10.89 MB

• Altitude is calculated using also NMEA sentences and barometer, when it is applicable. • Bug fixes. Thank you for using EDA, Happy testing

11.87 MB

44.57 MB

⋆ 2022 Horoscope ⋆ 2022 Tarot Reading ⋆ Fix Minor Bugs ⋆ Improve App Performance ⋆ Yes No Tarot Reading ⋆ Past Present and Future Tarot Reading ⋆ Care

10.1 MB
RuTracker 2.0

8.65 MB

أول نسخة

2.25 MB
FPT Camera 4.0.0

What’s News in Version 4.0.0 • Users can view, share or download images and videos which are automatically detected by camera or recorded by users in

8.66 MB

12.54 MB

Use flashcards to help you to remember words and phrases learned in classes

9.42 MB

11.77 MB
The Underbelly 7.602.1

* Bug fixes * Performance improvements

25.92 MB

- Fixed a bug where purchases did not persist in some cases.

10.46 MB

Hungry Hub is Thailand’s unique dining offer web/app. We offer an exclusive fixed-price concept at normal À la carte restaurants! There’s no need to w

25.5 MB

Initial Release.

6.52 MB

ver 1.0.18: * Improvements * Upgrade libs ver 1.0.16a * Improvements * UI style option * Multi note in one day ( it can be enabled in app setting ) *

6.08 MB
Notepad 2.29

A simple text Notepad Features: - notes are stored in text files; - you can create folders and sub-folders; - you can specify the path for storing not

3.51 MB