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共 9786 个APK 下载 最新版本

Seerat Ul Anbiya Qadam Ba Qadam is one of the Islamic book. The writter of this book is Adbullah Farni. In this book describe the Seerat of Anbiya ste

35.56 MB

專門職業及技術人員高等考試護理師 基礎醫學(包括解剖學、生理學、病理學、藥理學、微生物學與免疫學) 104年至110年歷屆試題電子書 安裝後可離線使用, 支援手機及平板 資料來源:考選部-應考人專區(歷年考畢試題),內容如有問題依考選部考畢試題查詢平臺 https://wwwq.moex.gov.t

3.17 MB

This app contains the famous quotes of Hazrat Ali(R.A). You can read quotes and save your favorite quotes in Mobile Gallery. Features: > Urdu Language

5.95 MB

Welcome to the Good News Bible Offline GNB on your phone. This Bible can help you! Enjoy this easy and intuitive app to use the holy word at your fing

11.38 MB

আমার সকল প্রিয় দ্বীনি ভাই ও বোনেরা। জনপ্ৰিয় শিক্ষণীয় বইটির নাম " কিমিয়ায়ে সাআদাত বা সৌভাগ্যের পরশমণি " এবং এর লেখকের নাম " ইমাম গাযযালী রহ "। আপনাদ

59.84 MB

The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God (Allah). It is widely regarded as the finest work in

24.65 MB

Quran Majeed Pro is one of the most fascinating Quran reading and learning app for Muslims who want to get an attachment to the holy book of Allah. Le

38.67 MB

Ganesha also known as Ganapati and Vinayaka, is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the Hindu pantheon. His image is found throughout

15.63 MB

رواية عشقتها في ابتلائي من اجمل الروايات الرومانسية المميزة والشيقة، احداث القصة رائعة تجعلك تنتقل الي عالمها وتعيش في احداثها مع ابطالها. ما أجمل ان

8.99 MB

De Teloz bijbel app is gratis, snel en offline, gewoon de beste leeservaring voor jouw favoriete bijbelvertalingen zoals: - Herziene Statenvertaling (

4.84 MB

Islamic Book In Urdu Zinda Nabi is an islamic book in urdu. if you love reading islamic books then this application is just designed for you. Zinda Na

40.74 MB

আমার সকল প্রিয় দ্বীনি ভাই ও বোনেরা। জনপ্ৰিয় শিক্ষণীয় বইটির নাম " হায়াতুস সাহাবা " এবং এর লেখকের নাম " হযরত মাওলানা মুহাম্মদ ইউসুফ কান্ধলভী রহ "। আপনা

131.48 MB

The Coffee Recipes app is a collection of recipes for preparing various kinds of coffee drinks, such as keto coffee, cappuccino, latte, macchiato, moc

8.2 MB
Dog breeds 3.7.1

A big encyclopedia "Dog Breeds". Dogs are the most volatile mammal on Earth. As a result of artificial selection, about 450 internationally recognized

15.62 MB

This is a "Swiss Army Knife" for those who are having a problem to study Kanji and Japanese language. This dictionary application is equipped with an

30.3 MB

زيارة وارث الامام الحسين ع ( كتابة وصوت ) هي من اشهر الزيارات الخاصة للامام الحسين عليه السلام وهي مروية عن الإمام الصادق عليه السلام. وزيارة وارث يمك

13.19 MB

All novels in NovelToon are FREE!!! NovelToon is an excellent original free books app. You can read so many kinds of original fun novel - Romance, Fan

22.56 MB

Welcome to ilm e Najoom Books in Urdu for beginners in offline mode. Welcome to ilm e Najoom Books in Urdu for beginners in offline mode.

65.92 MB

Need to address and/or thank someone fully the Siswati cultural way? Don't look any further. This app provides the full list of Eswatini surnames and

2.59 MB

Pengajuan Pinjaman Online hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Pengguna terdaftar Situs/Aplikasi. Pengguna menyetujui dan memberikan wewenang kepada Tokopedia u

10.37 MB