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共 9786 个APK 下载 最新版本

Resep masakan rumahan untuk pemula Mulai dari resep masakan ayam, resep masakan ikan, masakan daging, telur dan masakan rumahan tradisional lainnya. A

4.04 MB

Resep kue donat salah satu kue atau cemilan yang sangat populer di dunia. Donat ini merupakan kue yang digoreng, dibuat dari adonan tepung terigu, gul

4.04 MB

Read Quran in Russian, translation of the meanings of E. Gulieva free. Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection. Database will

3.92 MB

Online Gujarati Bible Application with "Old Testament" and "New Testament"

6.47 MB

What Is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is gener

27.08 MB

Englesko-bosanska prevoditeljska aplikacija - besplatna i jednostavna za korištenje. Možete prevesti tekst i pisma sa engleskog na bosanski i od bosan

1.44 MB

Türk Medeni Kanunu Maddeleri Liste ve Detaylı görünüm olarak uygulamada yer almaktadır. - Kanun maddeleri ile ilgili içtihatlara ulaşabilirsiniz. - Ma

11.51 MB

Resep brownies kukus amanda merupakan salah satu makanan yang memiliki banyak penggemar. Dengan warna coklat yang pekat dan rasa manis bercampur. Rese

4.04 MB

Concedei-me, Senhor a serenidade necessária Para aceitar as coisa que não posso modificar. Coragem para modificar aquelas que posso e Sabedoria para c

11.41 MB

English - Hindi Dictionary Simple and Intuitive UI 50,000+ English words with Hindi meanings. English - Hindi Dictionary is a quick reference guide wi

5.85 MB

В приложении более 6000 интересных и красивых SMS на все случаи жизни. Подарите любимому человеку приятное СМС на ночь или просто пожелайте доброго ут

4.61 MB

English to Nepali Dictionary Simple and Intuitive UI 28,000+ English words with Nepali meanings. English To Nepali Dictionary is a quick reference gui

4.79 MB

English to Khmer Dictionary Simple and Intuitive UI 35,000+ English words with Khmer meanings. English Khmer Dictionary is a quick reference guide wit

5.57 MB

This application contains a guide or tips for playing Bendy Hello, and welcome to this short, but useful guide on getting all available achievements f

3.45 MB

فضیلت و خواص سوره نور نور،بیست و چهارمین سوره قرآن است که مدنی و 64 آیه دارد. در فضیلت سوره نور از پیامبر گرامی اسلام روایت شده: هر که سوره نور را قرا

6.44 MB

Die App „d’Luschnouar Sprôôch“ bietet Usern mehr als 7.400 Lustenauer Wörter und über 2.000 Redewendungen mit Übersetzung ins Hochdeutsche. Ein attrak

15.12 MB

Une vie ou L'Humble Vérité est le premier roman de Guy de Maupassant, paru d'abord en feuilleton en 1883 dans le Gil Blas, puis en livre, la même anné

25.61 MB

Turkeys most high-toned Turkish - English online dictionary, Tureng is now extending its database to the Android users. Having more than 3.000.000 Eng

4.75 MB

This is Russian - Vietnamese dictionary. The dictionary works offline, search is very fast, and the application has online social features. Dictionary

8.23 MB
Hunnubook 1.0.28

book, magazine, music book, magazine, music

30.08 MB