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共 9786 个APK 下载 最新版本

This free app is able to translate words and texts from english to kurdish, and from kurdish to english. - very useful app for easy and fast translati

848.77 KB

This free app is able to translate words and texts from english to burmese, and from burmese to english. - very useful app for easy and fast translati

1.34 MB

Free Offline Dictionary & Thesaurus is a 3 in 1 free containing over 150000 words and their synonyms and antonyms in 3 languages i.e English , Spanish

54.81 MB

Gurbani is the Light to illuminate this world; by His Grace, it comes to abide within the mind. ||1|| Attention: Please use "Gurmukhi Keyboard" along

45.65 MB

Dokodemo Bible, a free bible app, enables you to read the Bible anywhere without connecting to the Internet. Features: • Reading aloud verses using Te

14.81 MB

Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi sederhana yang berisi daftar Pancasila, butir-butir Pancasila, Pembukaan dan pasal Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Butir Pancas

6.13 MB

1등 전자책 서점 리디북스의 전자책 뷰어 앱입니다. 리디북스 서점에서 구매한 모든 책을 앱에서 읽으세요! 최신 베스트셀러와 경영경제, 자기계발서는 물론 빌려보는 만화/판무/로맨스까지 국내 최대규모의 전자책! 책 본문을 읽어주는 듣기 기능(TTS)으로 손은 자유롭게, 귀

74.61 MB

Aplikasi ini adalah aplikasi luring resmi Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, untuk pen

6.9 MB

Many books that you know, many books that you’ve missed, many books that you want to read! That’s Free Books – the door to unlimited reading. Download

10.26 MB
Ebook Reader 5.0.20

eBooks.com's Ebook Reader lets you read your favorite books on the go. Choose from a massive collection of popular books that you can download in a ji

38.2 MB

This free app is able to translate words and texts from english to arabic, and from arabic to english. - very useful app for easy and fast translation

1.35 MB
iPusnas 1.4.6

Baca ribuan judul buku dan baca kapan saja, di mana saja. Nikmati perpustakaan dalam genggaman! iPusnas adalah aplikasi perpustakaan digital persembah

26.19 MB

Easily learn English phrases and words! Speak English with confidence! The “Learn English” app has many useful English phrases and words (e.g., “Thank

22.28 MB

ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে হলে ( spoken english ) প্রথমে শেখা দরকার ইংরেজি শব্দের ( word ) উচ্চারন ও ইংরেজী শব্দের অর্থ। ইংরেজি শব্দের উচ্চারন সঠিক মত হলে আপনি

2.56 MB

Código Tránsito Colombia brinda al usuario la posibilidad de consultar de una manera ágil el Código Nacional de Tránsito Colombiano, resoluciones, mul

6.11 MB

Aplikasi Bacaan Sholat Lengkap sangat baik untuk dijadikan perpustakaan digital di handphone maupun tablet pintar anda. Bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan p

11.33 MB

Roman catholic book of prayer for christians. The best and biggest common book of prayer. The application includes a collection of more than 260 catho

3.35 MB

Use Quick Dictionary to get word definition inside any reading app (ebooks/News/Browsers etc.) without opening the dictionary app from outside. It sav

18.27 MB

VerseVIEW Song Book 10.0 is an Android app that has a collection of over 2600 Malayalam (most with English transliteration), 1000 Hindi, 800 Tamil, 50

12.86 MB
Litnet 2019.12.13

Litnet (litnet.com) - это не просто онлайн библиотека книг, это литературная платформа, объединяющая писателей и читателей, где: - Персональная библио

9.99 MB