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This Hotspot , which has also a widget, will allow you to turn on the portable WiFi hotspot on your Android smartphone with a touch. İt is easy to use

3.89 MB

Rasi Connect is a relationship program that recognizes Retailers for upholding the brand of Rasi Seeds as the most trusted, safe, reliable and economi

5.19 MB
NH With 2.63

농협이 만든 사랑방 커뮤니티 NH With ! 대한민국의 국민과 농업인 모두가 함께하는 국민대표 소통앱으로 도약합니다! ※ 주요기능 - 농업인과 국민 간 그룹 및 실시간 게시글을 통한 소통 및 협업 - 농협 임직원 간 그룹을 통한 소통 및 협업 - 투표글을 등록하여 그

6.1 MB
URL Net Phone

URL Net Phone provides access to URL Networks VoIP services from your smartphone or tablet device. In order to use this app you will need to have a co

65.86 MB
SohaCare 2.0.7

Dịch Vụ Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng Duy Nhất - Kết Nối Trực Tiếp Tới GM Game  Với mong muốn mang đến sự hỗ trợ tốt nhất cho cộng đồng game thủ VIP, NPH SOHAGA

8.65 MB

Recibes o realizas habitualmente consultas por WhatsApp, mail o mensaje de texto? Util para cualquier profesional, licenciado, tecnico, cualquier ocup

16.02 MB

지앤지커머스 그룹웨어에 글을 올릴 수 있는 앱입니다. 그룹웨어 아이디와 비밀번호를 이용해 로그인을 할 수 있으며, 직원사진과 리포트를 작성할 수 있습니다. 직접 촬영하거나, 앨범에 있는 사진 또는 웹 페이지를 직접 캡쳐하여 사진을 등록 시킬 수 있고 편집도 가능합니다.

5.08 MB

Do you find yourself logging into the Logbook of The World website often, checking for new QSL confirmations? Do you wish there was a way to get notif

188.41 KB

★ Best Phone Call App in Google Play ★ Call Recorder - record phone calls for free ★ Cheap or free international calls to over 200 countries ★ Can dis

37.59 MB

MizuDroid is a free, unlocked, professional SIP softphone from Mizutech. Note1: You need to have a SIP account to be able to use this softphone and ca

6.41 MB

Manage your communications from anywhere! CloudCall Go! is the perfect solution for users who are constantly on the move. CloudCall Go! provides you w

45.54 MB
BT Mobile 3.80.6

The BT Mobile app is an easy way to keep track of what you're using and see how much data, minutes and texts you've got left in your plan. Note: This

7.92 MB

Desktop Alert Inc. worldwide is a recognized leader in providing best-of-breed enterprise-class, network-centric emergency mass notification systems t

72.28 MB
BabelApp 8.8.0

BabelApp is a secure messaging and VoIP calling enterprise strength platform for end-to-end encrypted communication. It enables calling, messaging, at

8.91 MB

ABTO VoIP SIP Softphone is based on ABTO VoIP SIP SDK for Android that allows development of custom sip softphones. The application represents most of

11.59 MB

With the Android VoipDiscount app you can make cheap calls over the internet to any of your online friends, as well as various popular destinations. D

11.49 MB

If you miss a proper way to manage your contact groups and contacts on Android 5 and up, don't despair. Mad Contact Groups is the ultimate contacts ma

4.29 MB

Красивый и удобный мобильный клиент для облачного сервиса видеонаблюдения Flussonic Watcher. Приложение предназначено для удаленного просмотра Live-тр

33.47 MB

FinTipOffers or Finger Tip Offers is an offer alerting Technology, that will help you to find the latest Shop offers , Job Offers,Other Offers, news e

1.81 MB

Want to know who and what’s buzzing in the Americas and at Fujitsu globally? Tune into The Hive, your single source for the most up-to-date news and i

29.24 MB