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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

DGS 2018 GERİ SAYIM-MOTİVASYON UYGULAMASIDikey Geçiş Sınavı için hazırlanmış geri sayım uygulamasıdır.Sınava ne kadar süre kaldı öğrenmek istemez misi

3.84 MB

School Assembly Hindi/Prarthana Sabha- Primary education is the focal point for all education sectors. The future life of the students starts from pri

10.58 MB

We bet!! Kids can't stop using Kids Complete Learning. -_-_- "Be The First Teacher for your Kid" -_-_- Kids Complete Learning is designed to help todd

9.94 MB

Learn Science by doing fun activities using everyday materials. Today science has become synonymous with fancy glassware and expensive laboratories. T

2.69 MB
Doodleton 1.6

A Complete Preschool System - Everything you need to run a preschool, shipped to your doorstep every month, for one affordable price

3.95 MB
NELAYAN 5.3.16

Aplikasi NELAYAN adalah aplikasi yang memberikan fasilitas tanya jawab seputar kegiatan nelayan dan perikanan baik budidaya maupun perikanan tangkap.

15.66 MB

This App has a wonderful latest science experiments that our children will love to do or read New science experiments written in a simple and lucid la

5.57 MB

YDS'de en çok çıkan kelimelerin birinci kısmını internete ihtiyaç olmadan ezberlemek için uygulamayı indirin. Devamı gelecek...

1.92 MB

SARTHAK INSTITUTE is an institute which provides coaching for IIT-JEE (Main & Advanced) and PMT. We are here to guide you in engineering and medical e

4.46 MB
DGSApp 1

DGSApp, önlisans mezunları ve son sınıf öğrencileri için hazırlanmış interaktif bir test uygulamasıdır. Dikeygeçiş sınavı öğrencileri DGSApp uygulamas

8.31 MB

This App has a wonderful new modern science experiments that our children will love to read or do New Modern science experiments written in a simple a

5.87 MB

Hafiz Hafizah Talking Doll New Edition memiliki banyak tambahan fitur baru yang lebih menarik. Selain Billingual, Hafiz Hafizah Talking Doll New Editi

44.76 MB

Hafiz and Hafizah is the latest educational products from Al-Qolam using high technology. which can be connected with dolls via bluetooth, this icon o

35.17 MB

أهلاً بكِ في تطبيق نصائح ذهبية للحامل، نصائح الحمل هو التطبيق الأول والفريد من نوعه في العالم العربي حول مراحل الحمل بكل تفاصيله في مراحل الشهور التسع

5.46 MB
DGS Puan 1.0.1

DGS puan hesaplayıcıları en son yapılan DGS' ye göre hazırlanır, bu puan hesaplayıcı 2012 DGS verilerine göre hazırlanmıştır. Sınavda yapılan sayısal

156.19 KB

TUS a internet bağlantısı gerekmeden heryerden hazırlanmak için indirin. Kullanışlı arayüz, güncel ve özgün bilgilerle TUS ta başarı şansınızı artırab

2.28 MB

Students will love this Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur study course that includes a Tyrannosaurus Rex 3D model, Tyrannosaurus Rex facts, and a quiz to tes

9.77 MB

The application includes all Juz Amma Surah with Sheikh. Mohammed Saddik Al Menshawy The application supports Surah and Verses repeating. Hint, the ap

21.63 MB

In dinvishesh shravya, people can download , listen & share audios about famous, popular and legendary personalities and also get various information

4.76 MB
MagicJoey 2.1

Welcome to the world of Magic Joey. Joey lives in the world of Augmented Reality (AR), he creates a magical way to teach your little ones and with fun

56.15 MB