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This application displays the details of the consonants, vowels, numbers and symbols tap on randomly displayed Thai characters.Also, you can learn by

6.62 MB

Listen to Learn Thai Grammar 2016 Thanks everyone that use my program

5.26 MB

Easily learn Thai phrases and words. You can learn Thai phrases and words from our native Thai speaking parrot. Learning Thai can never be easier! FEA

20.64 MB

This is a German-Thai and Thai-German Dictionary(Deutsch-Thai Wörterbuch, ไทยพจนานุกรมภาษาเยอรมัน) This new dictionary is more than just a dictionary.

12.27 MB

সংস্কৃত শব্দ véda " জ্ঞান" মূল বে- থেকে উৎপত্তি নির্ণয় করা হল " জানতে "। এটি চার বিধিসম্মত বেদের সঙ্গে সহযোগী (ঋগ্বেদ, যজু বেদ, সাম বেদ ও অথর্ব বেদ)

2.58 MB

应用介紹: 泰语是屬壮侗语系侗台语族,是一种分析型语言,词型没有時態与數量的变化,主要以改變语序、增减词素等方式表达不同含义。泰語中不同的聲調用以區分同聲同韻的詞彙以及語法。对中國人来说,泰語是易講難寫。 主要目的: 专为初学泰语的人仕而編制,对有兴趣其他的学習者是帶來方便和幫助增強泰语的知識。此应

4.43 MB

This app is able to translate words and text from Indonesian to Thai, and from Thai to Indonesian. An app for easy and fast translations, which can be

1.9 MB

This is an Indonesian-Thai and Thai-Indonesian Dictionary(Indonesia-Thailand Kamus, พจนานุกรมไทยอินโดนีเซีย) This new dictionary is more than just a d

10.76 MB

Free English to Thai Translator. Translate your Text From English To Thai. TRANSLATES ENGLISH WORDS AND PHRASES TO Thai EASY TO USING APPLICATION Deci

1.71 MB

If you want to speak Japanese , Can use this application .

5.08 MB

对于初学日语的朋友来说,熟练日语的平假名、片假名是非常重要的。这也是一般日语入门的初级课程所包括的必要学习知识。 这款手机 App 可以让正在学习日语的 Android 手机用家随时随地不论是在家中、在车上、还是上班中,也可以轻松方便地从简单游戏中练习日语。

4.52 MB

本应用为日语学习者精心收集与其有关的双语新闻、学习宝典、考试攻略教学视频等热门信息。全力为学习日语的你提供一个纯净的学习平台。 [应用特色] · 新闻速递,每日为您精心推送最新中日双语新闻; · 考试留学,不间断更新日语考试、留学信息; · 东瀛风情,带你了解不一样的日本风土民情; · 视频教学,真

3.8 MB

4284句中文與日文皆互為翻譯-爾後還會繼續增修. 現有49原型,變化 381 段,4284句,爾後還會繼續增修. 1.中文或日文皆可發音(透過文字轉語音引擎) 發音引擎Google有免費引擎可用,但若無提供中文,須自行購置 (亦可購買更優質的文字轉語音引擎,如svox) 2.可設定句子重覆發音,從

5.53 MB
LetsShare 1.1.2

LetsShare is an innovative, powerful communication solution for childcare centers through the Pre-K and the Elementary market (0 - 11 years). LetsShar

7.48 MB

Aplikasi ini berisi latihan soal B.Inggris tingkat SMA disertai dengan audio listening dari no 1-15 Mohon tunggu sebentar (Stuck) setelah memilih pake

57.39 MB

60 Vehicles photographs for kids and babies.Your kids learn how is vehicles sounds from this application.Also your childrens learn name of vehicles. C

15.33 MB

[설명] 충북소통알리미는 충청북도교육정보원에서 개발한 메시지 수신 앱입니다. 공지사항, 가정통신문 등의 교육시책을 받아볼 수 있습니다. [사용범위] 충청북도교육청 산하 각급기관(학교) [충북소통알리미 주요 기능] 공지사항, 가정통신문 등 각종 교육시책을 스마트폰으로 받

5.18 MB

Do you want to manage your class, exam and event timetables in a smart way? The Class Manager is perfect for you. Who can use Class Manager : ✓ Studen

11.09 MB

Educatieve app, gericht op: effectief klassenmanagement, passend onderwijs organiseren, groepsdynamica. De app Toolbox Klassenmanagement is een handig

2.32 MB
UXness Lite 1.0.0

UXness app for low network bandwidth and keep UX learnings going. Find interesting articles on Usability, User Experience design, Interaction design,

1.62 MB