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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

Learn Pashto is an educational App, which is designed to facilitate the non-Pakhtoon android users with the connotations of Pashto literature. This sm

99.91 MB

Oyun Amacı : 60 saniye içerisinde en çok işlemi yaparak puan kazanın. Uygulama içeriğinde; En yüksek puanınız, uygulamaya toplam girişiniz, kaç kere t

13.34 MB

Lecture Notes Organizer designed to record regularly on your phone, tablet, photo, sound, video, drawing. Take photos of your reverse notes, make note

2.71 MB

2. sınıf öğrencilerinin Hayat Bilgisi derslerini daha eğlenceli hale getirmek için hazırlanmış bir uygulamadır. Öğrencilerimizin beceri ve problem çöz

24.69 MB

Tarih YGS LYS Testleri ve Deneme Sınavları Değerli üniversite adayları bu uygulamada YGS ve LYS ye hazırlık amaçlı Tarih testleri bulunmaktadır. Uygul

747.47 KB


1.87 MB
LYS Tarih 1.2

LYS Tarih

5.39 MB

This is a basic app to create your own cheats and use them under your responsibility.

2.02 MB

STUGUIN supports your studies in your daily life. Main function -STUDY You can measure your daily study hours with only 2 steps. 1. Choose a subject a

4.38 MB

O aplicativo possui recursos para que os estudantes da UFSCar possam realizar seu planejamento de atividades semanais. Tem integração nativa com o SIG

4.29 MB

Taking the win in the Essex Digital Awards 2017, Classify is a school assistant and planner that has got everything you need in a school assistant pla

8.87 MB

Now, a day’s every one of us do have stomach problems like, stomach ache, acidity, anxiety etc.… We have been trying many Allopathic and other types m

2.93 MB

Learn or practice Times Tables(Multiplications) and improve your mathematics skills! Choose which times tables you wish to practice and try to get a g

1.98 MB
Aaghaz 1.0.0

We believe not only in making Engineers, Doctors, Managers, Lawyers and other professionals but also induce moral values into students to become a goo

6.38 MB

Study from anywhere using your smartphone or tablet. A new era in exam preparation is here!

2.22 MB

Shippingcareer.in is one of the fastest growing maritime job Portal where you get complete information about new job opening .shippingcareer.in is the

3.89 MB

INNOVATING EDUCATION FOR MERCHANT NAVY ASPIRANTS 1. Its a customized app designed by experienced mariners for the aspirants of Merchant Navy. Applicat

6.05 MB

Global pacific shipping and marine services provides wide range of courses which includes pre-sea training courses for officers and ratings, through s

11.76 MB
Kids Math 1.3.3

Little Adam builds curriculum-based education games for mobile devices. Our kids Mathematics learning app is designed based on puzzle games for presch

44.61 MB
WiseSlice 2.0

WiseSlice is a Educational game app designed to help your kid learn virtually any subject. You can create an Institution and add Classes, Subjects, No

37.7 MB