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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本
Core java 1.9

It is a course to cover fundamental of java.Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented,

2.51 MB
#Codes 1.6

'#Codes' enables you to carry programming tutorials on different algorithms in your android phone. The application consists of different types of Code

6.57 MB

Learn android is an android App helps you learn android pogramming language from foundation to advance level. Key Features 1. Tutorials for Android .

4.81 MB

The easiest and quickest way to LEARN Java & Android programming through very User friendly tutorials. This amazing app contains tutorials which are f

10.54 MB

The reason of this Application, is to list helpful Program for Java that will improve your overall efficiency and performance. Disclaimer:This app is

3.67 MB
CoreJava 8 1.0.3

• Test your knowledge chapter wise or difficulty wise to suite your requirements. • Chapters and questions are based on OCAJP 8 exam objectives. • Get

2.44 MB

Learn Java Programming for this application anywhere without any requirement of Internet connection. This application is an introduction to programmin

6.23 MB

"자바를 잡아" 는 언제 어디서나 간편하게 자바를 공부할 수 있게 도와줍니다. 1. 자바공부 – 자바의 기본문법부터 심화문법까지 원하는 내용을 쉽고 빠르게 찾을 수 있습니다. 2. 예제소스 – 해당 문법에 대한 간단한 예제소스를 통해, 글로 읽는 것 보다 빠른이해를 도

6.2 MB

小学校で習う漢字のみを記載した漢字辞典アプリです。 学年ごとに学習する漢字を見ることができます。 なお、表示されるのは読み方のみで、 書き順や部首名といった情報は載せていません。 また、読み方は小学生で学習する読み方だけでなく、 中学校や高校などで学習する読み方についても、 使用頻度が高いものを掲載

22.83 MB
Aha! 1.0.1

圧倒的な問題数!約400問の脳トレゲームを完全無料で遊べます。 アハ体験やなぞなぞ、法則性パズルで楽しく脳トレ!激ムズな問題もあり! 3分でできるテストモードを搭載。毎日さくっと脳にスイッチを入れよう! ■遊び方 ・チャレンジモード  3分でできるカジュアルゲーム感覚のテストです。 ・ひらめき  法

95.07 MB
countcube 1.0.2

3歳から大人まで楽しめる脳トレーニングゲームです。 空間認識力を高める算数の図形問題です。 幼児・小学生でも取り組みやすいポップな積み木問題。 【遊び方は簡単】 降ってくるキューブの数を答えるだけ。 難易度は「簡単・普通・難しい」があるので、 幼児から大人まで楽しめます。 【ランキング機能】 ランキ

21.97 MB
RubyOnRails 1.0.1

What is Ruby? Ruby is a scripting language designed by Yukihiro Matsumoto, also known as Matz. It runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac

2.83 MB

Ruby on Rails is an extremely productive web application Framework written in Ruby language. The purpose of this app is to teach you how to develop cu

15.26 MB
Learn Php 1.0

Learn Php has a beautiful design to learn with fun. Learn Php is the quickest time possible with this concise app that teaches you all the essentials

3.34 MB

jQuery Offline Tutorial App from Tutorials Point is an easy-to-use, user-friendly platform to learn jQuery, both at the fundamental and advanced level

5.5 MB

** Simple, neat while full of possibility. ** A wonderful drawing app for all ages to free your imagination and inner artist The BEST painting program

13.23 MB

국립수산과학원에서는 원 발간 6종의 도감에 수록된 수산생물의 이미지, 분포와 서식, 형태 및 산란 특성 등의 정보를 안내합니다. (국립수산과학원 발간도감- 한국연근해유용어류도감, 원양어류도감, 한국연근해유용연체동물도감, 한반도연해고래류, 한국새우류도감, 내수면 어류도감

1.42 MB

HTML5 Tutorials Offline All Tutorials About Html5 is Provided In This Free And Responsive App. Topics(Basics,Elements,Canvas,Html References) And Ther

4.03 MB
HTML5 1.0

With HTML you can create your own Web site. This tutorial teaches you everything about HTML. HTML is easy to learn - You will enjoy it. This HTML tuto

7.33 MB

HTML5/CSS3の基礎が学べる、「HTML5プロフェッショナル認定試験レベル1」の対策問題集です。 ◆一問一答形式で、すぐに答えを確認できる! ◆解説にはソースコードの使用例と表示結果(※1)付き ※1 ご利用の端末環境によっては、表示結果が正常に表示されない可能性があります。 【ver.1.2

25.92 MB