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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

30.63 MB

With an internet connection the Starfall app provides a large sample of free activities. Then join and sign in as a Starfall member. Members have acce

68.79 MB
SchoolNet 2.2.1

¡Gracias por utilizar SchoolNet Mobile! Seguramente te has fijado que no dejamos de añadir mejoras y de perfeccionar la aplicación. Todos los meses su

55.05 MB
RP Connect 4.1.0

Thank you for using RP Connect! This release includes The RP Quest, a new game created to commemorate RP's 20th Anniversary.

64.37 MB

130.55 MB
iTutor 4.2.1

QQ Share Adapt Android 11

7.94 MB

How would a person learn foreign language most effectively? The answer is to be involved with the people and the culture that speak the language. Howe

46.84 MB

Performance improvements

17.24 MB

1. New 50 Model Test Added 2. More Subject Wise MCQ Added 2. Bug Fix 3. Reduce Ads

18.02 MB

New Flashcards added. Small improvements and bug fixes have done. Thank you for your positive feedback and reviews.

7.2 MB

v5.3.9: Fix crash on Android 12 devices.

22.84 MB


10.93 MB
Classting 7.16.1

Classting is a free, safe, social media platform for the classroom. Connect with your students, classmates and parents in a safe and fun space! [Class

139.34 MB

Mise à jour obligatoire. Cette mise à jour assure le bon fonctionnement de votre application et améliore votre expérience.

16.4 MB

التطبيق عموما: - تم إصلاح العديد من المشاكل عند حدوث ضغط كبير على مسار. - تحسينات عامة على الواجهة. مجتمع مسار: - سيتمكن الآن أعضاء المنصة من الحصول ع

8.45 MB
Minga 6.0.1

Inspire Engagement. Improve Communication. Deliver and measure programs and curriculum. Minga is a better way to connect your school community. Minga

20.86 MB

** Chai's Play service is currently available in Korean and Indonesian language only. ** ** 차이의 놀이는 한국어와 인도네시아어를 지원하고 있습니다. ** Chai's Play adalah apli

6.67 MB

Alteração na splash screen para atender legislação eleitoral.

5.62 MB

Improvements French translation

3.61 MB
UR Play 4.11.2

UR Play är playtjänsten för dig som vill lära dig något nytt! Här hittar du underhållande och lärorika dokumentärer, faktaprogram och föreläsningar fö

6.84 MB