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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

This app is packed with powerful content and resources to help you grow and stay connected. With this app you can: - Check-in at services and events -

52.16 MB

This app will help parents to get information about college and their children. Information about regular events, calendar, result etc is displayed in

159.32 MB

Have a newborn, infant or toddler? Forever change the way you track and share your baby's activities with ParentLove Baby Tracker.SIMPLE, YET POWERFUL

33.68 MB

O NOGUEIRA MINEIRO, é um app escolar do colégio Cento de Formação Nogueira Mineiro que tem como objetivo facilitar o acompanhamento do desempenho esco

12.13 MB
IS Formation 7.4.0

Apprenez en mobilité grâce à l'application Android de Ideal Standard. Retrouvez toutes vos formations dans votre poche, interagissez avec votre commun

43.69 MB

Colégio Gardhon Bandeiras, visando sempre diferenciais e inovações oferece aos pais, responsáveis financeiros, responsáveis acadêmicos, alunos, docent

18.27 MB

This is the official Chemainus Secondary School (Chemainus, BC) mobile app. PLEASE NOTE: This app is only useful for students, parents, and staff at t

29.96 MB

The Bar Exam Tip Of The Day app and companion podcast, are designed to get you over your bar exam hump. We focus on the multi-state bar exam (MBE) tip

17 MB

Exciting app for toddlers to know different animals and their sounds. Few Features: On single click play the sound once and on long press play continu

4.49 MB

★ 선생님의 즐겨찾기 티처빌 연수원 ★ 유치원, 초등학교, 중학교, 고등학교 선생님들을 위한 국내 1위 연수 플랫폼, 티처빌! 지금 57만명의 선생님들이 활동중입니다 ♡ ------- 주요 기능 1. 강의 시청 - 언제 어디서든 스마트기기로 편~안하게 강의 시청 가능

6.9 MB

Gurumantra Institute - Manoj Sir app for exam preparation of class 11th, 12th & B.Sc. Features: • Special Notes Chapter wise • Special Videos Chapter

5.83 MB

Learning is Fun with BabyFirst Video: Educational TV BabyFirst Video is the safe and fun way for preschool children and toddlers to start learning and

83.94 MB

Coloring pages for adults and kids. This virtual coloring and drawing book, full of animals pictures, is designed for all ages, girls and boys alike a

67.3 MB

Learn Portuguese from Master Ling in 10 minutes a day! DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERS Our free Portuguese language lear

66.42 MB

Esta es una aplicación que intenta ayudar a todos los profesores, alumnos o gente interesada en aprender Euskera. Se trata de una aplicación abierta a

4.54 MB

電話注文を間違えずに覚えよう!脳トレアプリ登場! キミはうどん屋「ロボ谷庵」にアルバイトにやってきました。 キミの仕事は電話注文の受付。お客様の注文をよく聞いて、全ての注文にチェックをいれてくださいね。 なんと、うどん屋「ロボ谷庵」はうどん・そばだけでなく、小学生に人気のハンバーガーなども取り扱って

20.69 MB

Vocabulary Miner is a free Flashcard maker. No magic fluency, you just say more with every word. No ads. Vocabulary Miner - Flashcards made brilliantl

5.74 MB

About UPSSSC Assistant Statistical Officer (ASO): UPSSSC ASO is conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (UPSSC) to select eligible c

13.99 MB
MyNottingham 9.5.4

The University of Nottingham’s services in one place for students and staff. Get access to your emails, check the time of your next seminar or catch u

12.79 MB
Erasmus+ 5.01

In 2017, the Erasmus+ Programme celebrates its 30th anniversary! To mark the occasion, the European Commission and the European University Foundation

23.94 MB