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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

Augmental is an educational technology application where learning materials are adapted to each individual’s learning abilities using Artificial Intel

80.55 MB

RAJHANS ACADEMY is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a use

31.47 MB

This Free translator can quickly translate from Danish to French and French to Danish (Dansk-fransk Oversætter, Traducteur français-danois) words as w

2.69 MB

Korean Alphabet is created as an interesting alternative to traditional, non-inspirational methods to learn how to write alphabet. When you go to pres

12.03 MB
KSU Mobile 5.58

Presenting KSUMobile, the official mobile application for Kent State University. View grades and class schedules, buy your books and discover events t

21.35 MB
KSL 54

Diese App ist für das Liebfrauengymnasium Berlin-Charlottenburg am Theodor-Heuss Platz. Die App ist von einem Schüler programmiert worden. Im folgende

11.59 MB

Yeni Trend Yayınları Dijital Hizmetler Öğrenci Mobil Uygulaması Öğrencilerin kitaplığa kitap ekleyip oradan test cevaplarını girebileceği, sonuçlarını

37.01 MB
SesMobile 3.0.3

Esta app extiende la funcionalidad de su plataforma SesWeb a su dispositivo móvil. Permite a alumnos y padres de familia recibir notificaciones, consu

61.52 MB

DOWNLOAD FREE - LEARN WITH GAMES - SPEAK WITH NATIVE SPEAKERS Our free lithuanian language learning app is designed to make learning lithuanian as eas

72.05 MB

Career opportunities are abundant for certified EMTs, and this straightforward guide increases your chances of scoring higher on the computer-adaptive

34.2 MB

تطبيق تعليم البرمجة هو تطبيق عربي هدفه الاول والرئيسي هو مساعدة الجميع فى تعلم البرمجة بشكل مبسط ومفيد ومبتكر ولا حاجة لانفاق المزيد من الاموال على ال

13.08 MB

RTO Exam is an ultimate guide for any aspirant appearing for an RTO exam cum driving licence test in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh,

11.45 MB

Ehliyet Sınav Soruları 2020 1,5 Milyon üzerinde kullanıcıya sahip tek ehliyet sınav uygulamasıdır En İyi, En Eski, En Popüler, En Güzel Ehliyet Çıkmış

46.65 MB

【このアプリについて】 このアプリは、普通自動車免許の仮免許試験 (第一段階) の学習内容のみを収録した仮免・仮免許の学科対策にピッタリの問題集です! ■教本のジャンルごとに学ぶ仮免許の基本問題を分野別に全範囲網羅! ■AT限定・MT車・原付 など、普通免許で取得できるすべての範囲に対応! ■ 交通

6.83 MB

Teach Your Kids Animal Sounds is an amazing game for those who are trying to introduce their children to the animal world. 27 Animals available and th

17.31 MB
T Campus 1.2.7

SK그룹 구성원을 위한 Mobile Learning Service! 언제, 어디서든 자기계발을 할 수 있도록 스마트러닝 학습을 지원합니다. SK텔레콤 고객에게 최고의 가치를 제공하기 위하여, 유통망 구성원의 역량 향상을 목표로 교육 서비스를 제공합니다. ※ SK텔레콤

1.59 MB
Meu eduCONNECT 08.28.11

Ponto único de comunicação institucional, serviços acadêmicos e financeiros. Alunos e família têm acesso a comunicados, avisos, lembretes, notas, freq

41.57 MB
KZgunea 1.2

KZgunea zentruen euskal sare publikoaren aplikazio ofiziala, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Ogasun eta Finantza saileko Informatika eta Telekomunikazioen Zuzenda

5.95 MB

Climax is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendl

32.39 MB
Notas U 9.0.0

Notas U es un morral lleno de herramientas con una hermosa e intuitiva interfaz, rápido y fácil de usar, organiza tu vida académica con estas múltiple

12 MB