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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

The "Educational Apps" applications are digital educational resources that help the teacher in the proposal of exercises and monitor the student's lea

4.67 MB

Puppala Sivaji Institute is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It

117.12 MB

Educazione Integrata now has this important tool to bring the whole school community closer together. In this app, communication between school and fa

28.7 MB

Simplified, Agile and Structured Communication. Effectiveness and agility in communication with parents, and among school staff.

28.65 MB

Cyboard with the brand new feature of live streaming is the singular school management solutions application that seamlessly integrates the academic a

22.6 MB

This Mathematics grade 9 Ethiopian Student textbook application is very useful for students who are in need of learning with e books on their smart mo

20.56 MB

Elite Center app offers services for both students and regular users; you can now get all your study related information directly from the application

9.62 MB
Bharat Academy

Right from understanding the topics to clearing the exam, we offer you a one-stop solution for all your learning needs. Now learn with us, uninterrupt

116.88 MB
Maths Score

Maths Score is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-fr

30.93 MB

Sky Walk - Sky View is a planetarium Sky Observatory android star gazer+ application that enables users to view the night sky and star finder in real

29.21 MB
Beter Bijbel 2.2.11

Better Bible daily little test to maintain and improve your Bible knowledge.   - Receive from Monday to Saturday, four multiple choice questions. - Se

21.47 MB

Challenge yourself on WAEC BECE Past Questions in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Integrated Science, Computing or Information and Communication

23.55 MB
Maalem Al Safwa Schools - Clas 6.9.2.production.maalemalsafwaschools

(Maalem Al Safwa Schools - Classera) App breaks the classroom walls to provide you with a unique experience to share every successful moment, and get

40.44 MB

If you are a teacher who already uses Prográmame-UDIS from recursoseducativos.net, you will now be able to access it in any way you prepare and plan f

7.66 MB
OBL - Olimpíada Brasileira de 3.9.12.build.050123.191955

=== What is OBL? === The Linguistics Olympiad takes place since 2011, involving high school students from different parts of the country around issues

8.3 MB

Tuition is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friend

116.54 MB

WHAT is this: A Practice Tool to Assist with Clinical Decision Making for Appropriate Probiotic Therapy for Your Patients WHO is the intended user: Th

4.24 MB

App can be used as Translator as well as to learn English speaking. Click on any English words to find meaning in Hindi or on Hindi words to find its

15.44 MB

Melhorias: • Correções de bugs

36.66 MB
Gamoteca 4.18.23012500

Game-based learning made easy! Gamoteca enables collaborative learning remotely, while humanising the learning process. The free Gamoteca Player app e

22.98 MB