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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

Learn English By Listening – an amazing tool for anyone trying to learn English as their second language - helps you master the English language, and

19.95 MB

DEX for Android is an OFFLINE and online Romanian Explanatory Dictionary - Dictionar Explicativ Roman - (http://dexonline.ro) - DEX pentru Android + p

13.27 MB

Animals for Kids is an educational application that helps young children learn the animals and their sounds. The toddler can choose any animal from th

33.45 MB

English Learning Games for Kids. Educational activities to teach kids how to read, speak & spell in English. • 2 Free English Lessons & 14 Learning Ga

127.18 MB

Learn Russian is a simple app for anyone who wishes to learn Russian fast and easy. It is perfect for beginners and advanced users. Recommended for th

46.03 MB

Have you (or one of your friends) ever wanted to learn to transcribe or play music by ear? It is so important for a musician to know what you are hear

7.49 MB

-Html Basics -Html Styles -Html Formatting -Html Css -Html Links -Html Images -Html Tables -Html Lists -Html Blocks -Html Layout -Html iFrames -Html C

10.52 MB

Aplikasi untuk melakukan konversi tulisan latin menjadi aksara jawa dan konversi aksara jawa menjadi tulisan latin. Bisa mengetik aksara jawa dari pon

3.72 MB

This Free translator can quickly translate from Arabic to English and English to Arabic (مترجم عربي انجليزي) words as well as complete sentences. Inst

2.7 MB
Blackboard 4.9.0

Welcome to Blackboard's mobile solution that helps students stay informed, up-do-date and connected. This app includes Blackboard Collaborate with the

84.43 MB

상명대학교 스마트 출결 시스템입니다.

14.41 MB

LectureNotes is a platform for Peer-to-Peer Notes sharing, where faculties, toppers, and institutes share their class notes with other students. Lectu

7.82 MB

In this application, you will get 300 latest IELTS essay with answers . This application is for IELTS writing preparation. there will be 2 tasks. In t

16.29 MB

Сказки учат малышей доброте, справедливости, дружбе, верности. Помогут вам рассказать сказку на ночь вашему ребенку. Заинтересуют его красочными карти

23.23 MB

Did not your baby sleep? All time crying? you did not any solves this? We have a good application for you. there are many lullabies for baby in this.

48.29 MB

Ovaj program će umesto tebe pamtiti raspored sati, ocjene iz svakog predmeta kao i računati pojedinačan i ukupan prosjek ocjena. Sadrži skoro sve post

5.33 MB

Ovaj program će umesto tebe pamtiti raspored časova, ocene iz svakog predmeta kao i računati pojedinačan i ukupan prosek ocena. Sadrži skoro sve posto

3.82 MB

MTestM is an exam creator application that allows you to create, publish and share exams. Creating an exam has never been easier. You can add differen

21.55 MB
OpoSapiens 100.00.93

OpoSapiens tiene como propósito ser una herramienta útil y ágil para todo aquél que quiera estudiar oposiciones y leyes. El método de estudio que prop

11.46 MB

*** Полностью БЕСПЛАТНОЕ приложение *** *** Аудио сборник работает БЕЗ ИНТЕРНЕТА *** Сборник содержит самые главные православные молитвы. Вы можете сл

22.58 MB