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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Bilgi İşlem Dairesi Başkanlığı tarafından hazırlanan Resmi Mobil Uygulamadır. Türkiye’de örgün Eğitimde bulunan tüm çocukl

2.67 MB

Learn English with EMILLY – your companion for free, simple, effective and confident English Speaking. English is the common language of the world. Fo

19.41 MB

Garanta sua vaga na faculdade melhorando seu desempenho nos estudos testando seus conhecimentos no ENEM Estuda.com Junte-se a nós e prepare-se para o

15.47 MB

Reading is the important skill in English. This software will help you to practice English reading easier. The voice from conversations is quite slow.

4.01 MB

Turkcell Akademi uygulaması ile kendinizi geliştirebileceğiniz eğitimler her an yanınızda! Teknoloji, kişisel gelişim, satış, pazarlama, İngilizce, ün

8.51 MB
MiDas eCLASS 1.0.7

MiDas - The Learning App is developed to meet all types of educational needs of Nursery to Grade 10 students and their parents. It includes Curriculum

30.55 MB

Majhi Naukri App gives you the daily jobs alerts from Majhinaukri.co.in in Marathi and English both. Mahanews Sarkari Naukri Online Employment News Ro

15.87 MB

Программа поможет вам научиться собирать кубик Рубика, различными методами. От очень простого метода для детей до сборки кубика с закрытыми глазами. А

10.82 MB

Spoken English Guru App is designed & developed by India’s the largest Spoken English Portal www.EnglishWale.com, having 1 million+ online students, 4

4.68 MB
NASA 1.88

Come explore with NASA and discover the latest images, videos, mission information, news, feature stories, tweets, NASA TV and featured content with t

20.98 MB

Kitsord es una aplicación para aprender lengua de señas de manera cómoda, interactiva y divertida. Nuestro objetivo es romper la barrera de comunicaci

9.87 MB

Don't just learn French, fall in love with it! French learning couldn’t be more fun and easy than with busuu. Learn French with the help of over 60 mi

24.61 MB

AGORA JÁ NÃO TENS DESCULPA PARA NÃO PASSARES NO EXAME DE CÓDIGO À PRIMEIRA! Testes de Código é a melhor e mais completa aplicação da Google Play, cont

36.33 MB

Vocabulary Trainer for Learning French: Learn to Speak French for Travel, Business, Dating, Study & School. • Flashcard dictionary with French-English

15.31 MB

Curso para estudar para as provas do Enem 2017 e dos vestibulares. Acesse aulas, videoaulas, simulados, resumos e questões no modelo do Enem. --------

14.98 MB

Set the stage for reading success with this delightfully interactive educational app. Kids will have a blast learning their ABC's and building vocabul

54.53 MB

MalMath is a math problem solver with step by step description and graph view. It’s free and works offline. Solve:   • Integrals   • Derivatives   • L

7.88 MB

- supported languages. العربية dansk Deutsch Ελληνικά English español suomi français hrvatski magyar BahasaIndonesia italiano 한국어 BahasaMelayu Nederla

5.98 MB

Preserve your child’s childhood magic with Keepy – Organize Kids’ Artwork app. Keepy is a free and easy-to-use app to help you preserve your kid’s dra

65.6 MB

نقدم نصائح و معلومات عن صحة الأم أثناء فترة الحمل، وتسجيل التغيرات التى تطرأ على نمو الجنين أثناء فترة الحمل . كما نقدم أيضا نصائح للمكملات الغذائية،

16.62 MB