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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

More than a calculator. Dig into each step of your algebra, pre-calculus, or calculus math problems to learn how and why they were solved that way. Un

32.61 MB

CSIT Entrance App is a first-ever CSIT entrance preparing app developed by a dedicated students team named Brainants. This app can also be helpful for

9.56 MB

Amateur Radio Toolkit is the best app for ham radio hobbyists. It contains many calculators to help you design radios and antennas for all your projec

4.1 MB

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تطبيق حقيبة الطالب يساعد الطالب على التعلم وتسهيل الدراسة عليه في جميع المراحل الإبتدائية والمتوسطة والثانوية. هل تريد احيانا ا

25.35 MB

This is number spelling learning app to learn spellings for numbers from 1 to 100 for kids, toddlers, early schooler. App is really simple to use and

2.25 MB

If you are looking for a complete guide on how to pray Sunni Namaz/Salah with step by step illustration, then download this Islamic application now in

36.46 MB

Download now and start Your exam preparation with GK GUJARATI 2018. # Gk in Gujarati is designed as a preparation tool for various exams like : ● Guja

6.42 MB
Edumarshal 1.7.9

EduMarshal provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, non-teaching staff, students, parents and management personnel of your in

8.92 MB

► Unicaen Timetable This application allows the studens of the University of Caen Normandie to check their timetable directly from their smartphone or

2.81 MB

Smart Voice recorder Smart Voice recorder - Audio recorder Best recorder for sound recording with high quality Smart Voice recorder application is tot

3.95 MB

Negara dan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia memanggil Putra-Putri terbaiknya..!! Berbagai Kementerian dan Instansi Pemerintah seperti Kementerian Keuanga

9.83 MB

Si necesitas información sobre las fechas del EXANI II, inscripciones, unidades académicas, requisitos, telefonos, direcciones de las unidades académi

8.39 MB

Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) adalah tes yang diadakan oleh Badan Kepegawaian Negara (BKN) untuk menjaring calon Abdi S

10.13 MB
iUOB 2 1.5.5

iUOB 2 is like iUOB but without login and other awesome features :/ FEATURES: - My Schedule - Semester Schedule - Academic year calendar - Schedule bu

10.99 MB

Drug doses of some common emergency drugs are presented. You can search Adult and Pediatric doses separately. Detailed description of management is no

8.8 MB

More than 10.000 Users are using Deutsch Lernen 8000 Videos. And how are you now? + Free, Kostenlos with more than 8000 videos for Learn german + More

3.85 MB

Welcome to English to Afrikaans Translator (Dictionary). More than 33,000+ offline English words This mobile dictionary app designed to help Afrikaans

13.68 MB

Dictionary of biology, learn and consult terms of biology, biological fully multilingual dictionary. Using the "Select Language" button to change lang

6.18 MB

Edulink Communication help to Communicate between teachers , students and parents.

20.31 MB

A unique guide for all players Brawl Stars. Strategies and advice - all in one place! This compilation is compiled by specialists, with the aim of hel

36.13 MB