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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

Cette application est destinée à vous aider à améliorer votre orthographe, votre grammaire et éventuellement découvrir de nouveaux mots en français. E

20.41 MB

Test Your English (Level Intermediate) This application helps you to improve your English skills. It contains more than 900 multiple choice tests. --

3.94 MB

प्रत्येक मराठी माणसाला उपयोगात येणारी हि Dictionary आहे. जवळपास एक लाख शब्द टाकून हि Dictionary बनवलेली आहे. या Dictionary मध्ये English-मराठी आणि मरा

4.24 MB

Here's how we 'Make Learning English Simpler': ★ Offline Vocabulary app with quiz ★ Barron's 300 words with meaning and sentences from movie plots ★ T

10.88 MB

What is the purpose of this application? To apply technology to teach physics better and faster, and to provide tools for learning that are objective,

43.83 MB

Using AppyBuidler drag-n-drop interface, you'll be able to design and build Android mobile apps with no effort. You use AppyBuilder Gold Companion app

6.89 MB

The Live Trivia Answers app is designed to suggest the answers of the trivia games out there. Currently It Supports BrainBaazi Trivia Game. By playing

4.49 MB

"Ayatul Kursi (آية الكرسى) or The Throne Verse" is the 255th verse of the second Surah Al-Baqara. Let's learn Ayatul Kursi in Ramadan 2018 / 1439 H. I

9.24 MB

This app completely offline user experience. Learn and easily using the Autocad shortcut keys that AUTOCAD 2D and 3D commands using the software easil

3.76 MB

Do you want to learn Lucid Dreaming and understand your dreams better? Awoken is the tool to do that. FEATURES: - Dream Journal with optional pin-prot

3.15 MB

UWAGA! Korzystając z aplikacji jesli nie jesteś pewien co do jadalności jakiegoś grzyba NIGDY nie sugeruj sie wyłącznie Atlasem Grzybów, zanim spożyje

99.86 MB

Thakur Prasad 2018 Hindi Calendar cum Panchang is very famous and renowned calendar which find its place in every home in Northern India. Its populari

4.01 MB

৫ কালিমা ও ২৫ টি ছোট বাংলা সূরা নিয়ে আমাদের এই সূরা কালিমা অ্যাপটি সাজানো হয়েছে । ইসলাম যে পাঁচটি ভিত্তির উপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত তার মাঝে সবার আগে হলো কালিমা।

4.08 MB

- نتيجة شهادة الأساس لكل الولايات السودانية - نتيجة الشهادة السودانية قبل أن تقوم بتحميل التطبيق ... ابتداءً من تاريخ ١-٧-٢٠١٧ نتيجة الشهادة للعام ٢٠١

2.51 MB

برنامج يمكنّك من تنزيل العديد من قصص الأطفال العربيّة المجّانية و قراءتها أو الاستماع إليها. القصص متدرّجة في صعوبة لتساعد طفلك على تعلّم القراءة. كما

5.82 MB

This App is for the parents. It would give them insight of various class and school related activities. This app is one window to access various alert

4.13 MB

All UPSC Question Papers of IAS,IPS,IRS and other civil services. # All Question Papers of civil service exam. # You can download all upsc question pa

3.04 MB

Do you want to improve your language skills and become fluent? Talkalang will help you. You will daily practice and rapidly gain confidence in speakin

3.15 MB
T-test 2.1.4

Энэхүү аппликейшн нь Төрийн албаны мэргэшлийн шалгалтад бэлтгэх зорилготой аппликейшн юм. Хэрэглэгч та өөрийн утсандаа татаж суулгаснаар шалгалтанд ша

21.31 MB

Find My Kids tracks lost or wandering children quickly and easily. A few of the benefits of owning this free app are: -Automatically receive place ale

45 MB