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共 20433 个APK 下载 最新版本

* Learn Hindi Speaking using an easy, simple yet comprehensive Telugu to Hindi Speaking Course which is meant for teaching you Hindi speaking. * This

19.84 MB
Music2Gather 1.14.9

Unlike other video-centric courses where there is no/limited interactions between learners and the content, Music2Gather adopts a pragmatic "hypermedi

45.78 MB

اقوى قاموس طبي من اللغة الإنجليزية الى اللغة العربية وبالعكس بدون إنترنت , يحتوي القاموس على الميزات التالية : - ما يقارب الف كلمة !!! - ترجمه من اللغ

58.26 MB

English to Urdu Dictionary Simple and Intuitive UI 40,000+ English words with Urdu meanings. English Urdu Dictionary is a quick reference guide with m

4.18 MB

Engineering Exam Alerts app is a very useful tool to remind oneself about the upcoming exams related events. The app gives alerts about the important

18.93 MB

*LET’S START TO SPEAK REAL-LIFE ENGLISH Learn to speak English easily and effectively with 250 daily conversation dialogs read in LOW SPEED. Lessons a

79.14 MB

Babe with you 提供各位家長一個便利的平台,讓家長們可以完整及快速地紀錄小孩子每日生活狀況與成長歷程,Babe with you 實現兩種使用模式:【日誌模式】與【托育模式】 【日誌模式】 家長可以快速地依事件時間填寫小孩的生活紀錄,包含喝奶、睡覺、飲食、排便、服藥、活動、體溫等狀況,此

16.22 MB

LN [ACADEMY] mempersembahkan aplikasi akademi khusus untuk para pejuang SBMPTN 2018! Fitur Aplikasi: 1. Announcement + Kategori: Announcement, Event,

26.35 MB

VIDEO y MUSICA MP3 YasyX tips VIDEO there MUSICA MP3 YasyX tips

19.49 MB
NTS 2018 1.3

Nts 2018 notes Nts 2018 notes PDF. Nts educator 2018. nts sample paper nts test nts medical test knowledge2018 EDUCATORS BEST GUIDE 2018. New and up t

50.98 MB

Hundreds of courses (videos) with many subjects. Lesson content is updated daily, to keep your practice fresh, relevant and exciting.

4.15 MB

Listening to English everyday and 100% free.☆ There are a lot of topics well and interesting.☆ Easy for using.

4.95 MB

Learning English for children, totally, fun and 100% free. ☆ There are a lot of topics well and interesting. Kids can practice English with good topic

5.02 MB

This application contains full description of human body especially designed for medical students. This app contains human body organs with their func

4.11 MB

English Thesaurus is offline and free id developed by EagleTech. This app have words database which contains more than 300,000 words and their Type, D

6.42 MB
Cirkus.io 1.0

Cirkus é a plataforma que usa seu conhecimento para transformar sonhos em realidade! Comece agora e dispute por dinheiro, bolsas de estudo e viagens!

5.3 MB
APPen 1.12.2

Appen is the new, revolutionary tool for colouring, drawing, learning and playing. With the pen, you can vary the thickness of the lines depending on

39.61 MB

The Indian Evidence Act 1872 in Marathi and English Full and Offline Useful for all law students, all police department and common people also Updated

18.84 MB

Are you ready to learn & memorize the Recitation of Quran without any hazard? With the help of this sweeten app, yes you can. Learn Quran Recitation,

34.65 MB

Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be fused with any other technical tool and will help improve any technician's market analysi

3.08 MB