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皆さんは、日常の生活の中でほっと息をつける瞬間がどれだけありますか? リゾート地にバカンス行くのもいいでしょう。 確かにショッピングを楽しんだり、大好きなエンターテインメントに興じるのもいいでしょう。 でも、そんな大がかり的なものでなく、週末に開けるとっておきのワイン、「美味しいね?」と言って家族や

28.72 MB

Planet Coloring Pages| Space Coloring Book Are you looking for a fun and creative activity to fill your free time? Well, you have come to the right pl

9.13 MB

The impact of body temperature in a human body is at large as body temperature affects the whole body. This is a prank app and is meant for fun and en

3.94 MB

Body Temperature Thermometer is a prank application. You can really make your friends and family happy. Let them have enjoyable moments. All the resul

4.82 MB

Fingerprint body temperature thermometer is an amazing application which calculate your body temperature by using finger scanner. This application pro

4.82 MB

It's An awesome prank! Fingerprint Body temperature will provide you the most easiest way of checking out your body temperature. Fingerprint Body temp

6.05 MB

Blood pressure checker is actually an interesting prank. Finger blood pressure will tell your blood pressure free, along with your heart rate. Finger

4.43 MB

Body temperature is supposed to be the common temperature of the human body. In people, this temperature is calculated at around 37°C, which varies fr

4.3 MB

98.6°F (37°) is generally accepted as a normally body temperature. Temperature that is above 100°4 is considered to be a fever. Fever can be of many t

4.56 MB

Karmic Crystal Magic ball which will answer your questions. This app was created for Just fun and Entertainment. Thank you for downloading this app!.

3.66 MB

Sais-tu que? est une application qui vous offre chaque jour des informations diverses et utiles pour enrichir la culture générale dans plusieurs domai

5.25 MB

موسوعة هل تعلم؟ ثقف نفسك وتميزعن غيرك - المعرِفة بكل أشكالها - Haltaalam يشرفنا أن نقدم لكم موسوعة هل تعلم؟ ثقف نفسك بنفسك، مجلة عربية تسعى لنشر الوعي

5.67 MB

By Using Lie Detector Simulator app you can find whether your friend or family member is lying or not by asking a question to and put the finger on sc

3.17 MB

Lie Detector Prank Fool your loved one with this prank application! This app simulates scanning your finger to detect truth or lie with your fingerpri

3.1 MB

True or False? Find out with this futuristic fingerprint lie detector, or at least fool people into thinking so! Simply respond to a question, then "s

12.5 MB

The owners of which are worried about employee theft. Let us assume that the test is 90% accurate. A good dialogue is said by our team (funny). Lie d

4.59 MB

This is the best free Lie Detector Face Test Prank available because you control the results (secretly) and it talks too! A great free lie detector ap

3 MB

Lie detector Lier liar, pants on fire ! LOL Not Lie detector Android app. Lol, it is just a PRANK, prank your friends and detect their lies. Now, you

2.89 MB

* Finger Lie Detector prank App * - This Lie Detector Simulator is a fun game which simulates a fingerprint scanner for detecting lies. - Prank and ma

3.37 MB

Make Amazing Man Suit Photos with Business Man - Suit Up Photo Maker app. Business Man - Suit Up lets you try on a wide variety of suits from just a f

80.73 MB