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共 21268 个APK 下载 最新版本
But! Barcelone 1.4.181

Suivez toute l’actualité du FC Barcelone avec l’application But! Barcelone… - Accédez aux dernières informations du Barça - Recevez en temps réel les

6.43 MB

تطبيق الهدف تطبيق رياضي نقدمه احتراما وتقديرا لمشجعي وعشاق كرة القدم العرب والمتواجدين حول العالم وهو أحد التطبيقات الرياضية الاحترافية المتخصصة في تق

10.08 MB

Best Ever app for Peru Futbol fans Features -- -.Highlights all HD - Live Score - News Min By Min. - Player Profile View - League 1 and 2 Fixtures , T

2.33 MB

If you want an app just for a specific country football league and nothing else? Tired of searching for your league in a big list of countries in othe

2.56 MB

Watch your sport exercises easily with In-Tactic Player. EthicSports In-Tactic Player brings to you all animated exercises you need. Select your movie

10.69 MB
Screen Soccer 1.1.3.soccer

Screen Soccer is the professional application for video analytics tactical training sessions and football matches. Simple and powerful, it is used by

94.3 MB

BeTactical is your strategic board for plain your moves. Useful tool for coaches and trainers, for create tactics and strategies for your players. The

8.84 MB

Fútbol Táctico VIEWER te permite descargar y leer tus revistas digitales en tus dispositivos móviles asociadas a tu cuenta de usuario de www.futbol-ta

4.4 MB
Umbro Soccer 4.5.1

The Official Umbro Top Rated Soccer Showcase App allows all participants to have all tournament information at their fingertips. All users can have ac

7.12 MB
TUC 1.0.6

O ano era 2005 e Flamengo venceu 6 e empatou 3 dos últimos 9 jogos do Brasileirão honrando o Manto e seguindo firme a sina de não disputar divisões in

12.05 MB
Yellow Fever 2.1.0

Brought to you by Yellow Fever - Unofficial Supporters of the Wellington Phoenix and Kiwi Football. Whether you're at a Hyundai A-League game, in the

5.53 MB

SquashMatch is a global app for squash players to connect, organise, play and record squash league and ladder games. Running off the SquashMatch.com p

7.05 MB

This is an add-on for e-Scoresheet Volleyball that will be used by Referees to follow the match events in real time and by the Teams to submit legit g

7.8 MB
SBN 2.1

The Android app for the Dutch squash player. All tournaments within arms reach. Check popular tournaments or tournaments in the area. Instant access t

3.95 MB

Score a squash match using PAR rules, and optionally beam the scoreboard in real-time to a bluetooth enabled android tablet (or a larger HDMI monitor

660.75 KB

The Android app for Swedish Squash players and followers. All tournaments part within easy reach. Stay in touch with current events and search for one

3.57 MB

Level-up your squash star-drills. This simple free assistant app will add some reaction training to your routine endurance drills. Corners of the cour

3.16 MB

Squash News is the best free source for all the latest information, results and media from the world of squash. Not only that, we bring you all the be

10.3 MB
EVISquash 4.2

No paper for scoring a SQuash game. Just use this APP. The game score is automatic stored at http://aws2.isapi.nl/SQuash

6.42 MB

“My Tactical Soccer” is designed to help players and parents keep up with a player’s evolution and performance. Ask your coach for an invite. With Tac

14.79 MB