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共 21268 个APK 下载 最新版本

Lancashire Darts Organization Mobile Handbook. Contact Committee and Delegates, view county, super league and youth fixtures and results, keep up to d

4.11 MB

*This app uses data to send game information to a server* Keep score in-person or find other users online 501/301/Cricket

4.39 MB

This app is designed to help you score your dart game for up to 4 players. Enjoy the time with your friends and don't worry about calculating the scor

12.42 MB

StopandGoal.net è la casa del calcio online. Ogni giorno notizie, analisi, approfondimenti, focus, foto, video sullo sport più amato al mondo. Da ades

3.79 MB

***FantaCalcio 2015/2016*** FantaCalcioPizza è un servizio che permette di gestire una lega di FantaCalcio tra gli amici, in maniera semplice e automa

7.14 MB


6.16 MB

Golf is the game of royals but its popularity is increasing as days go on. Today it is one of the most challenging and interesting outdoor game. This

3.4 MB
RusScores 20127

RusScores mobile application features Russian Premier League fixtures, match standings and live scores from Russia. RusScores also features fixtures a

2.84 MB
Teamlr 2.3.5

With Teamlr & the app we want to improve your sporting life by letting you stay up to date with your club or teams latest information. The one app for

7.81 MB

SportFlash è l'app che ti permette di seguire la tua squadra del cuore, tutti i giorni e senza perdere tempo. In un unico posto troverai: + gli artico

12.3 MB

SportFlash is the app that allows you to follow your favorite team, every day and without wasting time. In one place you will find: + Articles in the

12.28 MB

Golf counter. It is a tool that performs a count of the course. You can use any number of times by resetting. I will also automatically calculate scor

2.14 MB

ゴルフ専⾨誌『週刊パーゴルフ』の電子版! 『ツアー情報』『ギア』『レッスン』『ファッション』『ゴルフ場紹介』など、全国のゴルファーが求める旬のコンテンツを提供致します。 【単品購入】 300円 【定期購読】 1ヵ月 1,200円 3ヵ月 2,880円(3,600円のところ20%お得) 6ヵ月 5,4

8.45 MB

このアプリは、ゴルフの初心者のためにゴルフ用語、ルール、雑学を覚えるためのクイズアプリです。 このアプリのクイズを理解すると、ゴルフの基本が理解でき、知識の上では、プレイや観戦ができるようになります。 ゴルフは、コースにおいてクラブといわれる道具で静止したボールを打ち、カップと呼ばれる穴にいかに少な

6.1 MB

Enjoy listening Raffaele Auriemma comment, live, the most beautiful goals of your team, SSC Napol, URL of "SWELLS THE NETWORK". There are almost all o

3.08 MB

This is a new platform for all sports lovers in Tanzania to share all what is happening in the sports world

1.42 MB
SmarterDarts 2.5.4

SmarterDarts is a darts scoreboard that lets you play with your friends as well as your android device with 15 levels of virtual opponents to play aga

1.95 MB

Ecco qui la nuova versione di FantaManager! Con questa nuova app, abbiamo migliorato le performance generali del sistema, al fine di rendere più fluid

7.7 MB
Voti Fanta 1.28

L'APP UFFICIALE E UNICA DI VOTI FANTA voti-fanta.com, i voti del fantacalcio la notte stessa dopo le partite, probabili formazioni, notizie e strument

1.68 MB
Standard 3.1.1

We proudly present the Fans de Standard mobile application! Get all the latest news, statistics, and livescore of every game, the news up and around S

7.32 MB