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共 21268 个APK 下载 最新版本
Fobi 1.0

HİPNOZ İLE FOBİLERİNİZDEN KURTULMAK MÜMKÜN BİLGİ: Bu uygulama ücretsiz ve reklamsız olarak yayınlanmaktadır. UYGULAMA İÇERİĞİ: Bu uygulama, fobilerden

6.03 MB

HİPNOZ İLE DAHA KALİTELİ BİR UYKU MÜMKÜN BİLGİ: Bu uygulama ücretsiz ve reklamsız olarak yayınlanmaktadır. UYGULAMA İÇERİĞİ: Bu uygulama, daha kalitel

6.36 MB
Kaygi 1.0

HİPNOZLA RAHATLAMAK MÜMKÜN BİLGİ: Bu uygulama ücretsiz ve reklamsız olarak yayınlanmaktadır. UYGULAMA İÇERİĞİ: Bu uygulama, gevşemenize ve rahatlamanı

5.07 MB

This app will Calculate your potential height with the Grays calculation formula in inches. This app is just an indication of a potential height, this

1.14 MB

Tired of trying different shampoos and chemicals formulas for healthy hair? Then check out this amazing homemade conditioner to protect your hair. Sav

11.81 MB

Yoga for core and buttocks A strong stomach is essential for any type of fitness activity. It stabilizes your entire body, both in yoga and in your da

59.85 MB

Bronchitis Signs and Symptoms The initial sign of bronchitis is usually a persistent dry cough that is associated with an upper respiratory infection.

1.22 MB

Coconut oil die is a great way to enjoy the meal without worry about nutrition as well as taste. Yes, you can get and learn some great coconut oil die

9.25 MB

Yoga is more than just a physical exercise. Yoga is to focus not only on your body but also on your mind and breathing. Yoga can help loosen up the te

4.87 MB
Yoga Journal 0.0.1

Yoga Journal is a yoga coaching app suitable for all level - beginners, intermediate and advanced. Plan to burn fat, lose weight, get relaxed and reli

10.43 MB

Die App ist Teil unserer Fortbildungen und blended-Trainings zum Thema psychosoziale Gesundheit. Die App hilft Ihnen, verschiedene Übungen im Alltag a

50.55 MB

ストレスによる疲れ、だるい、イライラなどが続くとうつ病になりがちです。 その度合いをまずはチェックしましょう。次に心の病からの立ち直りに力に関してどのくらいあるのか自己診断できます。 ストレスは避けるのではなく、挑戦する心構えがある人ほど、回復力があると考えます 早めに心の健康状態を把握することが大

6.42 MB

You can record your height daily. You can see the graph and history. It is an application to see the daily change of height in a graph. Keep track of

2.44 MB
KOY Height Meter 1.0.0.beta

※ 請注意 ※ 此APP必須搭配 RubiX歐音萬 裝置才可使用,若未配合koy公司出產的RubiX歐音萬,此APP無法正常使用 請參考網址 http://www.boi.com.tw/rubix/rubix01.html 利用超音波感測器之發射器發出超音波,至目標物體反射之回映所需的時間,來獲得被

2.82 MB

You will need a CSC Bluetooth LE (low energy) device mounted on your bike. After installation, the app will automatically scan for a CSC device and, i

1.51 MB

O aplicativo Óleo de Coco foi criado para usuários que buscam informações sobre como ter uma saúde melhor e não ficar mais doente. Entenda como o óleo

2.45 MB
Heal.thy 2.0.1

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Update the latest version for all the available features and improvements. With this upg

8.39 MB

Total Body Workout I Do you want to lose weight fast, tone up and strengthen your abs, legs, butt, arms, and more? This total body workout routine com

47.64 MB
Hypnotherapy 6.23.24

FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE! Within minutes you could be enjoying high quality hypnotherapy on your mobile device. This app will give you direct

19.05 MB

Do you feel stressed and caught up in the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life? Is it sometimes hard to remember what's really important to you; w

5.04 MB