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共 21268 个APK 下载 最新版本

An application which helps Health Care Schedulers to set up appointments in one click

7.47 MB

Watch New York Yankees, Brooklyn Nets, NYCFC, and New York Liberty games live on the all-new YES Network app. In addition to watching YES Network live

11.71 MB

⚽️ EFN - Unofficial Port Vale Football News is the perfect football app to keep you up to date with all the latest news and gossip. We’ve created a cu

44.29 MB

The aim of this initiative was driven by helping “Patient Experiences” through meeting their growing hopes and satisfying their demands by effective h

16.6 MB

O AxisHealth é uma plataforma completa que disponibiliza serviços de suporte e promoção de saúde, com qualidade e humanização, oferecendo total comodi

25.98 MB

[線上預約掛號(一般門診)] 民眾可依照「症狀」、「科別」或「醫師」類別找尋適合使用者的醫師與時間,並透過此APP線上預約掛號。 [看診進度] 使用者可即時查詢各診間目前的看診進度。 [門診時間] 此功能提供民眾查詢當前各醫師門診時段。 [線上預約掛號(復健物理治療)] [現場資訊] 可查詢目前復健

20.41 MB
Club Alpha 4.8.57

¡Ya está aquí! Tras meses de desarrollo y pruebas lanzamos una nueva actualización en la que hemos tenido en cuenta los comentarios recibidos durante

24.24 MB

D11 : Fantasy Cricket Team IPL App provides live cricket score ball by ball with Live Score card. We also Cover cricket match schedule, accurate Odds

8.28 MB
Taba Swim 1.14

Taba Swim é um contador de voltas para natação. O aplicativo calcula a quantidade de voltas percorridas na piscina através de um sensor de distância q

4.51 MB

O2 Active is a health and fitness business in Perth, Western Australia. Our core range of classes include pilates, yoga, barre, bootcamp, running, per

28.75 MB

Conquiste o corpo e a barriga dos sonhos com apenas 12 minutos por dia no conforto da sua casa e sem a necessidade de equipamentos. Programa de Emagre

46.63 MB

Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) calculator determines the most commonly tested respiratory parameters and capacities based on easily obtained data and

397.8 KB

BestRx Pharmacy Software customers can seamlessly deliver prescriptions and over the counter items to patients by BestRx Delivery App within pharmacy

26.54 MB

Get all the information about IPL 2022 like Live Scores, Matches, Latest News, Latest Stats, Point Table and so many exciting things. IPL is a biggest

8.78 MB

Minimalist app to show and get alerted on multiple racing sports upcoming events. This app has a single goal in mind : don't ever miss a race event. S

8.38 MB
Sana Digital 3.1.0

Con Sana Digital podrás encontrar el profesional de salud que más se adapta a ti y tener una consulta mediante video y desde tu teléfono celular. Paso

56.77 MB

احجز كشف مع افضل دكاتره و بسرعة و من غير تعب و اطلب دواء من افضل الصيدليات و اطلب ممرضين و كمان اعلانات و خصومات Book a list with the best doctors a

6.13 MB

النصر تطبيق يتابع مباريات نادي النصر ويعرض موعد مباراة النصر واهم اخبار النصر ولاعبي. نعرض في هذا التطبيق نتائج مباراة النصر ونهتم ب اخبار نادي النصر

9.63 MB

CRUSH IT by Senada Greca CRUSH IT is the NEWEST fitness and health app that is taking the fitness world by storm. The unique workouts are brought to y

5.36 MB
Butterfly Member 2022.14.0

Die Studio-App für dein Fitnessstudio. Der schnelle und einfache Draht zu deinem Fitnessstudio. Interaktive Trainingspläne Du trainierst mit deinem Ha

5.37 MB