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共 21268 个APK 下载 最新版本
GlucoMe 3.10.3

A personal diabetes management application. Provides log, charts, reminders and alerts, statistics, ability to share, estimated HbA1c and more. Can co

36.67 MB
8 Ball Live 2.13.3188

8 Ball Live is one of the top realistic online 8-ball games in Android market. Here we have unique 8 Ball online game in video chat, you can also star

29.81 MB

The 1-800 CONTACTS app is the fastest, easiest, and most enjoyable way to order contact lenses. Where else can you reorder your contacts in 3 taps? SI

47.09 MB

The YMCA of Greater Fort Wayne app provides social media platforms, fitness goals, and challenges. Our app will also allow you to link many of the pop

57.8 MB
KidzToPros 24.3.1

The KidzToPros app is a tool for anyone who coaches with KidzToPros. Coaches can log in with their app and view their schedule so they know when they

70.31 MB
E3 Mobile™ 2.3.5

E3 Mobile™ is designed to streamline workflows by providing hospice nurses with a wide variety of tools and options at their fingertips. Available exc

89.57 MB

本系統最主要的目的是節省您在醫院等候看診時間。 您可選擇看診的醫院,查詢目前最新的看診進度。(看診進度皆由各醫院網頁提供,僅供參考...) 在等候的同時可瀏覽【健康醫療網】提供的:【健康醫療即時新聞】 按手機上MENU鍵,增加功能鍵操作: 1.【儲存書籤】:可儲存目前醫院頁面為A01,A02...

2.26 MB
iSKI Tracker

The new iSki Tracker app is a must for trendy skiers and boarders. Record your days skiing in detail via your smart phone and analyze them afterwards.

6.62 MB
NWSL 1.7

NWSL is the new, official FREE app of the National Women’s Soccer League.  Keep up to date on the latest scores, video highlights, match-ups, stats, s

6.22 MB

Calm Harm provides tasks to help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. Get started by setting your password so that it's completely private. You

5.65 MB

The C & R Clinic Pharmacy app allows you and your family to securely communicate with your local pharmacy. Refill your prescriptions with one click, g

2.85 MB

Jetzt gibt es gomedis als offizielle App für's Smartphone! Alle Neuigkeiten, Fotos, Veranstaltungen und Termine landen so direkt in der Hosentasche. W

32.35 MB

Mit der JOY Fitness-App haben Sie Ihr Fitness- und Gesundheitsstudio immer dabei. Informationen, wie z.B. das aktuelle Kursprogramm, Fotos, Angebote,

35.05 MB
EMS Go 1.0.7

EMS Go is a mobile application for pre-hospital emergency services and Life Flight workers in the Geisinger service area. EMS Go provides access to: -

32.35 MB

全世界500万ダウンロードを突破した大人気サッカーゲームがついに日本上陸! ■基本無料でリアルなサッカーゲームを体感! 「モバサカC(CHAMPIONS MANAGER)」は、日本で150万人以上がプレイした「モバサカ」の最新シリーズ!“リアルなサッカー“をコンセプトに、現役の選手が実名実写で登場す

58.35 MB

Download the Urban Fitness Dublin App today to plan and schedule your classes! From this mobile App you can view class schedules, sign-up for classes,

8.32 MB

Descarga nuestra App gratuita y benefíciate de todas sus ventajas : Reservas Consulta de horarios Promociones Descuentos Actualidad Sistema play Amigo

8.46 MB

千葉ロッテマリーンズの球団公式アプリです。 ご自宅や通勤・通学中にチームの最新情報のチェックやチケットの購入ができるほか、ZOZOマリンスタジアムでのスペシャルイベントなどに参加できます。 自宅でも球場でも「Mアプリ」を使ってマリーンズを応援しよう! ■主な機能 ○ニュース 千葉ロッテマリーンズの最

16.16 MB

▶ TLX PASS는 30가지 이상의 헬스뷰티 종목을 매일매일 바꿔가며 이용 할 수 있는 이용률 1위, 사용자수 1위의 운동 다이어트 1등 어플입니다. 앱 설치 후 내 주변에서 이용할 수 있는 모든 시설을 한눈에 확인해보세요. ▶ TLX PASS에서는 집 근처에서 하루

24.75 MB
Fever Chart 0.4.1

This app will be helpful to know when you or your family should go to the clinic or school, when you or your family is in doubt of flu. Flu testing is

2.04 MB