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共 22213 个APK 下载 最新版本

A very simple app. Just a plain deck of cards for your Android. Swipe the screen to view the next card in the deck. Nothing more. - Includes SVG graph

1.43 MB

Tasbih counter is a simple free app which allows you to count/tally any activity you wish. Can be used for Tasbeeh zikir (prayer) or just general coun

2.7 MB

Aplikasi ini adalah untuk memudahkan org org islam utk menggunakan android smartphone masing masing untuk berzikir dan beramal.

1.13 MB

Thasbih Counter(Ad Free) is a cutomizable counting app, that can be used effectively for Thasbihs/Dhikr. Thasbih Formats/Patterns can be created by Us

364.41 KB
Prayer Times 1.3.0

Awkat Salat or Prayer times is an application that provides the muslim daily pray schedule based on user location, and qibla direction wherever you ar

20.97 MB

Real Digital Tasbeeh is a digital version of tasbih / tasbeeh that helps Muslims zikr activity. Digital Tasbeeh Counter is a simple and free app which

2.91 MB

Digital tasbeeh with interesting and beautiful beads selections.

24.67 MB

Assalamu alaikum. Prayer Beads - is an application that allows you to remember Allah and to bless His Messenger (peace be upon him) wherever you are:

2.45 MB

Project is no longer maintenance. Please follow this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.good.app.astrohoroscope Check our new pro

9.14 MB

Having Love troubles or want to know more about your daily love life,then you found the perfect app.”Daily Love Horoscope” is an app from which the us

1.64 MB

Zodiac Signs Chinese Horoscope is the best app that let you discover what the future holds for you& helps you to get an insight on what to expect for

3.11 MB

Leo Horoscope Features Leo Horoscopes : Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Leo Child Horoscope Leo Zodiac Profiles Leo Love Horoscope Sign Compatibility 1) L

3.07 MB

Welcome Dear guests in Lübeck, we are very pleased to welcome you in our restaurant. Download our app now and find out about current promotions, news

2.87 MB

Ever think about how hard it is to call for help in an emergency? Let Wearsafe make the call for you. With the discreet press of a wearable device, We

30.05 MB
Theri 1.0

One stop destination for all Theri fans. You can be fashionable like Ilayathalapathy Vijay at the click of a button. Download and live like your star

2.17 MB

مرحبا بك في تطبيق كتاب كيف تجعلين الرجل يحبك بعفوية تطبيق جديد و بسيط و ممتع . و يضم كيفاش نتصاحب .

5.41 MB

Do you find yourself making excuses when you do not perform? Shed the excuses and face reality. Excuses are the loser's way out. They will mar your cr

281.59 KB

Everything can inspire people to get a better life. One of them is quotes. Quotes is a set of meaningful and inspirational words that can motivate peo

4.32 MB

ھذه نصائح للإقلاع عن الكسل والاحباط ، جمعناھا لك من خبرات العدید من الناجحین حول العالم، نأمل في أن تشكل اُسلوب حیاة مفید لك، ضعھا في قائمة وأبدأ ف

2.39 MB

من بين المزايا التي يتميز بها الاندرويد عن باقي أنظمة التشغيل الأخرى هو حرية الإعدادات التي يقدمها للمستخدمين. إلى جانب السماح بتركيب التطبيقات المختل

2.58 MB