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共 22213 个APK 下载 最新版本
تاپ 4.0.1

تاپ! نسخه حاوی امکان کارت به کارت شتابی تاپ عرضه شده است . در این نسخه در پاسخ به درخواست های مکرر شما کاربران سرویس کارت به کارت شتابی راه اندازی شده

18.56 MB
Rede do Bem 0.6.0

Imagine um lugar onde possamos ajudar e ser ajudado, com conselhos e carinho e ainda receber frases diárias de auto ajuda e reflexão. Este lugar é o R

8.06 MB

NOTE: Recent updates to the Google Android API (level 23) affecting Bluetooth LE technology requires location permissions to be granted in order to us

33.7 MB
CLiQQ by 7-Eleven

Welcome to CLiQQ! The official 7-Eleven Philippines mobile app for CLiQQ WiFi, Rewards and Payments. CLiQQ WiFi allows for easy access to the internet

61.48 MB

[원조 1등 배달앱! 배달통] ▶HAPPY NEW 출첵! 매일 최대 10,000원 할인! - 최대 10,000원 쿠폰 매일 지급 - 2018. 1. 8 ~ 1. 21 ▶ 전국 22만 배달 업체 수 1위 - 치킨, 짜장면, 피자, 족발/보쌈, 야식부터 심부름까지! ▶ 배

8.87 MB

Advent, Advent 4 x 10% ! Unser Willkommensgeschenk für Sie: Jetzt installieren & 4 x 10% Coupons erhalten (gültig vom 21.11.2017 bis zum 31.01.2018)!D

20.54 MB

★If you're crazy about fashion and the newest trends in nail makeover, join the spreading nail mania in one of the most popular manicure games for gir

39.67 MB

Just talk to the Talking Babsy Baby girl. The talking baby answers with his funny voice and reacts to what you say or your touch. Babsy is a little sw

102.02 MB

A Clock, which displays the time in german local dialects.

2.2 MB

AstroBot clairvoyant, is the talking fortune teller! It answers with its voice upon topic you are interested in: daily horoscope, horoscopes, divinati

26.63 MB

Avec plus d’1 million de personnes partout en France, trouvez rapidement la personne qu’il vous faut, pour tous vos besoins et au meilleur prix ! Démé

34.46 MB

Do you want to keep a diary of your own thoughts and feelings or finances or brilliant ideas or maybe a story of a trip in photos? Or maybe all at onc

6.59 MB
TariTaxi 1.6.2

TariTaxi es una aplicación móvil de desarrollo independiente, por lo tanto no existe relación alguna con el Sindicato de Taxistas "Lázaro Cárdenas del

3.43 MB

一個為香港人而設的應用程式,提供即時六合彩攪珠結果,可以即時知道結果,與電視同步,有如攪珠現場(Live). 另外聰明組合選號, 多期號碼儲存, 自動對獎等功能, 所有功能都係為香港人實際需要而設. 除此之外, 此應用也提供了真人發聲功能, 為低視能人士提供無障礙使用. 功能包括: 1. 即時攪珠(

10.65 MB

曾經到了麥當勞才想起優惠券放在家裡?或是拿著一大張優惠券覺得不方便攜帶? 美食優惠,台灣,最多、畫質最佳、最方便的優惠券 app 就在這! 知名的速食餐廳:麥當勞, 漢堡王, 肯德基, 摩斯漢堡 最多的便利商店:7-11, 全家, OK, 萊爾富 便宜的超級市場:Costco, 全聯, 頂好, 大潤

8.74 MB

Vastu Shastra in Tamil (தமிழ்), This app provides essential vastu guidelines in tamil for all the processes from the selection of site to the construc

5.72 MB

تطبيق صور حكم ناس زمان : تصادفك في الحياة أزمات ومصاعب تشغل بالك في التفكير طوال الوقت لكنك قد لاتجد الحلول المناسبة لتخطي تلك الظرفية مما يصعب عليك ا

3.04 MB

No internet required... Includes perfectly looped 21 sounds that your baby will love. With White Noise Baby Sleep Sounds "Happy Babies and Happy famil

8.07 MB

Talk to George the Giraffe. He answers with his funny voice and reacts to what you say or your touch. In addition, play with George and his Piano! Pla

71.62 MB
Easy Diary 1.4.88.gmsp

All the sources of the Easy Diary are released to github. https://github.com/hanjoongcho/aaf-easydiary Easy Diary does not collect or store your perso

11.51 MB