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共 17158 个APK 下载 最新版本

مميزات التطبيق: 1-استماع للنغمات داخل التطبيق 2-اختيار اي نغمة داخل التطبيق وضبظها كنغمة رنين او نغمة رسائل او نغمة اشعارات او نغمة منبه. 3-اضافة اصدا

42.47 MB

Try this new style volume booster. It will increase your speakers volume up to 10-20%. What sets Speaker Booster Pro from other similar applications i

2.37 MB
PLAY ORG 8.8.12

- the best and easiest piano app for Android now in your pocket. - Create great melodies with your own personal Piano - piano Play the voices. - free

3.98 MB

KRONEHIT smart – „Das ist wie Tinder für die Ohren :-)“. Ein Hit gefällt dir nicht? Wisch ihn einfach weg. Du willst, dass ein Hit öfter läuft: Schenk

7.23 MB

Boost your device's sound quality with this new generation Bass Booster.Bass Booster Pro lets you adjust bass levels so that you get the best out of y

2.36 MB

Boost your device's sound quality with this new generation Bass Booster.Bass Booster lets you adjust bass levels so that you get the best out of your

2.64 MB

Shazam recognizes music and media playing around you. Tap the Shazam button to instantly match, and then explore, buy and share. Shazam Encore offers

15.08 MB

Millions of people enjoy listening to old music, such as jazz, rhythm and blues, swing, rockabilly, soul, etc. The 50s is a particularly popular perio

5.07 MB

Are you a fan of quality rock music? You should definitely check out this app! This is the easiest and most effective way to stream rock music, as wel

5.27 MB

Are you one of the millions of fans of quality techno music? If yes, then you have just found the easiest and most effective way to stream techno musi

5.02 MB

"Online RnB Radio" is an application which will give you access to a very wide list of radio stations playing rhythm and blues music. With its small s

5.15 MB

If you are on the lookout for brand new SMS ringtones, your search is over. Cool sounds and ringtones are one click away. If you want to have attentio

6.48 MB

酷我音乐HD是酷我科技专为Andriod大屏设备量身定做的专业在线音 乐播放软件。 人性化的界面设计,高清的图片,清新简洁,操作简单流畅; 海量曲库及全球音乐排行榜,精准搜索百万高品质正版音乐,更有快速语音搜索,想听什么就搜什么; 自动获取精准KRC歌词及歌手大图,更有大图轮播和写真换肤,不仅好听更

5.79 MB
BlueJay 1.0

THIS APP REQUIRES THE USE OF A USB AUDIO OUTPUT (e.g. a DAC or external sound card) Tired of complicated DJ apps that give you a whole bunch of button

27.37 MB

عبد الباسط محمد عبد الصمد سليم داود (1927 - 30 نوفمبر 1988)، أحد أشهر قراء القرآن الكريم في العالم الإسلامي. ويتمتع الشيخ عبد الباسط بشعبية هي الأكبر

42.29 MB

Transform your voice into horror sounds and have fun! Get Scary Voice Changer free app for Android™, record your voice and disguise it into the scary

10.44 MB

Let's have some fun! Have a great time recording and playing crazy sounds by using fantastic free Funny Voice Changer app for Android™. Download this

10.49 MB

Looking for a fun and inspiring way to make your own beats? Beat Snap is the ultimate drum pad controller and drum pad machine! Incredibly intuitive a

20.57 MB

Music Player Mp3(La Musique Music) Music Players Mp3 is Simple is the new Smart. Music Players Mp3 is a new and innovative material design app which i

4.67 MB

¡Bienvenido a la aplicación que te permitirá escuchar todas las estaciones de radios colombianas y las mejores cadenas emisoras de radio completamente

9.53 MB