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共 9167 个APK 下载 最新版本
AVStreamer 1.12

Remotely control your PC or MAC anytime, anywhere. Video streaming at up to 30 frame per second with audio, enjoy game, movie and TV from your PC or M

1.95 MB

Red Bull Alert: Alarm Clock is the alarm application official Red Bull, thanks to which we can turn something as everyday as getting up out of bed, i

18.04 MB
XSense 1.3.5

Xposed Sense - For HTC Sense Android 4.4+ Roms. Root Access Required.optimize the HTC Sense.

1.51 MB

This is a root app. Please download only if your device is rooted.This app can come in extremely handy when you in a situation that you want to quickl

353.53 KB

107.94 KB

This is a text-to-speech library for use by other applications.It extends the functionality of the Android TTS API & is a preview of things to come fo

1.33 MB
Calendar 20.1.a.1.24

• Expand your network with the intuitive LinkedIn integration in the calendar.• Find your way to meetings easily, using the simple-to-

12.09 MB
Centrallo 2.18

Collect, organize, prioritize, share and publish anything that matters. Introducing Centrallo, a powerful new cross-platform productivity tool that

10.71 MB
TODOList 2.1.2

TODOList is a simple To-do list, which manages your Tasks (TODOs).Coded with beautiful, unique, and delightful Material Design.Features:- no Ads- comp

1.72 MB
AnotherWriter 1.106.384

Handwritten notes Designed to quickly handle a large number of handwriting, writing on the paper like fluent, free. Namely: the electronic paper.Mainl

1.94 MB

Frustrated with current very specific tracking solutions (weight, excersice, period, etc)? Do you want a calendar that can show you quickly what has b

3.9 MB

Achieve your goals and deadlines with KeepTrack! KeepTrack is a utility for collecting and viewing the statistics in your life from the comfort of you

3.79 MB

GET THE NEW APP:http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=all.in.one.calculatorTHE NEW APP DOES NOT HAVE ADSCURRENT APP IS NO LONGER MAINTAINEDQuic

3.43 MB

A clear and zoomable calendar app for everybody!OneView Calendar is a new innovative calendar app. You can use it alongside or instead of your standar

3.05 MB
Device Control 0.9.0.dev.git.5fa464

YOU NEED A ROOTED DEVICE TO BE ABLE TO USE THIS APP!This application comes without warranty, only use it if you are 100% sure what you are doing!Impro

5.01 MB

PLEASE NOTE: ROOT Required!EN: LiGux tools has the best ui and it can be used for reboot, shutdown your android devices. Currently five functions incl

466.07 KB

Did you know that you sound a lot different to others than when you hear your own voice? Now, with a simple one-button operation, you can record your

727.21 KB
Notepad 4.0

Simple design and easy to use.Notepad you can use with wearable.

3.01 MB
Dozzzer 1.3

Official Doze mode is only for Marshmallow, but Dozzzer brings this powerful battery saving feature to all Androids. Yes, even to your Gingerbread gra

2.41 MB

This is my first application in the Google Play Store, so please forgive me if there is any bugs. You would have to install the 'Xposed Installer' app

310.09 KB