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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

Buttons remapper allows setting custom actions for hardware buttons on your Android device without Root. Features: - Swap or remap buttons - Enable a

7.49 MB

Website/Mobile App/Prototype owners take your feedback to improve the User Experience of their Website/Mobile App/Prototype. The Test consists of 3-5

26.87 MB

The app has the following features; - Track your own stats and profile - Enter scores in real-time so others can watch your match - See stats of other

35.89 MB
Help Mobile 3.8.3

O Help Mobile permite que você interaja com o seu painel de alarme diretamente no seu smartphone. Com ele o cliente monitorado pode acompanhar diretam

36.03 MB

Téléchargez gratuitement l’application du magazine Décisions Hôtellerie de Plein Air qui vous permettra d'acheter les versions numériques, enrichies d

28.77 MB

건강보험심사평가원 내부업무에서 사용할 수 있는 일회용 인증번호를 제공하는 로그인 2차인증 공동 서비스입니다. ※ 본 앱은 안전한2차인증제공을위해변경된운영체제에서사용하는것을금합니다. ※ 통합로그인사용전앱을설치하여정상적으로실행되는지반드시확인하실길권고드립니다. (본 앱을 이

18.32 MB

Từ xưa đến nay, tâm lý và suy nghĩ của phụ nữ luôn là một bài toán khó mà không phải ai cũng giải được. Chính vì vậy, với một số bạn trẻ thì tình trườ

3.3 MB

The Professional Data Portfolio helps physicians track their clinical performance data and continuing education needed for maintenance of certificatio

7.46 MB

This is your application for specialized publications with added value. Get easily accustomed to the electronic table of contents and the fast and int

23.29 MB

Logcat Reader This application allows viewing system log. This need for debug purposes. Application solves 3 main problems: Reading log when returning

59.81 KB

Change your GPS location using this simple app. Set a marker/pin on the map using a long press (same as Google Maps). This is to prevent accidental lo

843.25 KB
Fooda 6.4.15949

Fooda brings fresh, great tasting lunch options that rotate daily right into your office. We believe lunch should taste great. Don't you? The Fooda ap

18.08 MB
Drumgenius 3.0.2

Drumgenius (created by a musician for musicians) is the first encyclopedia of real drum and percussion grooves (500 grooves) as played by the masters:

7.4 MB

Deque's axe for Android Accessibility Service is an automated accessibility analysis toolkit available for analyzing the Accessibility of Android Nati

4.8 MB

Get the best music news, local alerts, weather coverage and traffic updates in the Sedalia area with the new KIX 105 app! Listen to the live stream of

22.51 MB

圧倒的な人気を誇るサウンドノベル『ひぐらしのなく頃に』の第1話『鬼隠し編』が無料でプレイ可能!! 連続殺人ノベル『ひぐらしのなく頃に』がAndroidアプリで新登場です。 【v1.4 Android 5.0以降の端末に対応しました。】 不可解な連続怪死事件の謎に挑む『ひぐらしのなく頃に』。 同人作品

4.17 MB

5.52 MB

Video Sizer lets you choose the video resolution and frames per second (FPS), so you can record at various quality levels. The output file size is gre

3 MB

You can choose your beautiful one design and start making changes with existing tools.

9.49 MB

The Nordschleife Pacenotes app is your co-driver that supports you to master the famous Nürburgring Nordschleife race track. Using real-time GPS locat

8.1 MB