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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

O Aplicativo Vigilância Solidária permite o acesso as câmeras ao vivo, além de reproduzir as gravações em qualquer local e quando você precisar. Tudo

43.65 MB

此程式為Pigo叫號排隊系統專用之『點擊出票用APP』,安裝此app讓行動裝置作為顧客用餐取票加入排隊的功用。 This program is a "click-to-ticket app" dedicated to the Pigo calling system. This app is in

24.46 MB
NZZ E-Paper

Der hochkarätige Informationsgenuss auf Ihrem Smartphone und Tablet --- Mit dem NZZ-E-Paper für Smartphone und Tablet sind Sie an jedem Wochentag inkl

24.61 MB

Hidden Mahjong: World Wonders is a relaxing Mahjong game with beautiful artwork and music, where you explore the world's most iconic landmarks. Solve

25.48 MB
FORapp PRO 1.1.63

FORapp PRO is a cloud hosted IT solution for Enterprises that have people working in the field (for example auditors, merchandisers, service technicia

45.01 MB
DurustHR Mobile 1.1.10118

DurustHR powered by iLLimitado Inc. DurustHR mobile version synched real-time with DurustHR web-application. The mobile version is updated regularly w

38.7 MB

87.07 MB

モテたいけれど、なかなかモテない。 興味はないのに、なぜだかモテる。 恋は時とし、矛盾をはらむものかもしれません。 抱〔いだ〕く想いに、疑問を抱いてはいませんか。 それを調べるツールが、『恋愛力診断』です。 このアプリでは、自分がどれほどの恋愛力を備えているのかを、ランダムに出題される質問や心理テス

15.28 MB

園との連絡帳でのやりとりや、欠席・お休み連絡や、お知らせ閲覧、子どもの生育情報の確認が可能です。 また園内の業務効率化をサポートします。 1、人とのかかわりを大切にし、こころを育てる保育 当園では、集団生活を通じて子どもたち同士、先生とのかかわり合いを大切にし、「心のゆたかな子ども、自立、意欲、おも

8.86 MB

Better Grades Are a Tap Away The Wyzant App makes it easy for parents and students to instantly connect with expert tutors for in-person and online le

29.65 MB
Vigilant Mobile Companion 1.1.180312.1100

The Vigilant Mobile Companion app is exclusively for Vigilant Solutions' Customers. This unique app is a companion app for the agency’s Vigilant produ

5.36 MB

Visualfy is an application principally focused on people with hearing and/or blindness problems, which offers a solution to many notifications we rece

36.03 MB

Undang Undang Ketenagakerjaan : PEMBUKAAN Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 2003 BAB 1 PASAL 1 Ketentuan Umum BAB II PASAL 2 - 4 Landasa

1.53 MB

Com o VENDPAGO PDA, seus abastecedores realizam o envio das informações de entrada de estoque de seus MicroMarkets ao servidor de telemetria, possibil

2.63 MB

App de Telemática y Rastreo Satelital que le ofrece las siguientes soluciones y beneficios: 1.Visualizar la ubicación y recorrido de todos sus vehícul

4.71 MB

Tejgyan Global Foundation introduces "Tejgyan" Hindi (ads free) internet radio. Our free internet radio helps you to discover your beautiful inner bei

9.3 MB

Fácil de usar, o app é sincronizado com conteúdos sobre startup através do feed dos principais blogs e portais do segmento como StartSe, SEBRAE e muit

16.09 MB

SUNDAIT - ONU GIA RII TII ? Iti "app" kadiolo winonsoi id tulung topurak. iri noh Voos Kadazan om Dusun dau misambalik. kada koh kuai kio nung au mino

9.84 MB
Radio Continu

Radio Continu is een uniek regionaal radiostation met 24 uur per dag en 7 dagen per week gezellige lichte muziek, zoals muziek van eigen bodem (nederp

23.66 MB

With this App you can easily create MQTT connection with your broker and receive data from other Clients. Features: - Multiple connections - Send/Rece

3.69 MB