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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

Only for Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, S6 Edge+, S7, S7 Edge, S8, S8+ and Galaxy Note 4, Note 5, Note FE, Note 8 with Samsung GearVR headsetThis app use

3.29 MB

暴力與武器的結合,日本兩週突破百萬下載人氣無雙ARPG,配音以過百位聲優豪華陣容打造,集結「收集、角色育成、公會戰、遠征探險」等眾多元素《再見吧武器》今日大開殺戒 Facebook專頁:https://www.facebook.com/bksrapp/ 遊戲特色 ▼豪華聲優陣容出演 過百特色英雄參戰

82.58 MB

Prey for a Day is a free MMORPG zombie survival with co-operative play, a perfect marriage of a shooter and a strategy gameplay where all survivors pu

89.3 MB
e-Control 3.8.16

Free BroadLink Smart Home APPFor SP(Smart Socket), RM(e-Remote), A1(e-Air), and other DNA ProductsRemote control your home appliances by your smartpho

38.7 MB

데이트를 하면 할수록 소울 걸들은 강해진다 !! 폭발하는 오의! 눈을 뗄 수 없는 현란한 게임 플레이! 20명의 쟁쟁한 성우와 최고의 일러스트레이터들의 콜라보레이션 『웨폰즈 소울 걸』 오는 무더위를 날려버릴 짜릿한 한판승부 가즈아~~! ■■■■■■■■■■■■ 게임 특징

24.72 MB

RAM Booster eXtreme Speed: Control your RAM, Speed Boost it! Safe kill your tasks.. RAM Booster eXtreme is one of the highest rated Speed Booster app

9.03 MB

An offline converter tool for Zawgyi to Unicode and Unicode to Zawgyi. Can use easily. Fast converter allows you to convert when pasting text. You can

1.01 MB

采用最先进的通道加速模式,帮助在海外华人最快速便捷的看国内视频,看国内直播,听音乐。 解锁通支持几乎国内所有的热门应用APP:爱奇艺、腾讯视频、优酷、哔哩哔哩,乐视、搜狐视频、土豆、芒果TV、QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、网易云音乐、酷我音乐、虾米音乐、百度云音乐、CCTV5、腾讯体育、PPTV聚力体育、新浪

11 MB

将棋のような戦略性を兼ね備えた戦略カードゲーム。将兵の持つ特技や大将が放つ陣形を駆使し盤上を制覇しよう! ■三國志の将棋風カードゲーム! 力で押し切るか、陽動で誘い出すか、守りを固めて好機を待つか、戦術はプレイヤー次第で千差万別。手に汗握る盤上の駆け引きが熱い! カードのデッキ構築と将棋の盤面の駆け

46.46 MB

44.38 MB

New update on Pyruss FREE... 15th August 2018. Please buy Pyruss Pro to keep us in the market and support my development. Pyruss (World Domination) is

5.78 MB

● Swipe the spacebar from side to side for switching between languages. ● Long press on the "Enter" key to get into the keyboard settings. ● Long pres

13.47 MB

★ IMEI Generator is a VERY Powerful IMEI Tweaking Tool ★ This App Does Not Repeat Generated IMEIs, all IMEIs generated are Unique, No Duplicate. Gener

4.27 MB

57.81 MB

● Swipe the spacebar from side to side for switching between languages. ● Long press on the "Enter" key to get into the keyboard settings. ● Long pres

13.47 MB

Application cubist measure their times in different categories with official scramble championships, is a clock made for Speedcuber. - All the modalit

3.11 MB

*********IMPORTANTE********* Esse APP foi desenvolvido de forma independente, e NÃO possui vínculo com qualquer empresa operadora de maquina de cartão

11.6 MB

● Swipe the spacebar from side to side for switching between languages. ● Long press the "Enter" key to get into the keyboard settings. ● Select your

13.45 MB

Be ready to love and enjoy the journey to Imperial Top with Be the King, an original RPG which provides vivid career of an imperial China official ste

18.25 MB
Pet Dex 4.0

Encontrarás una guía completa con una descripción detallada de todos los monstruos. Solo haga clic en la imagen del monstruo, sabrá biografía, debilid

8.04 MB