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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

35.9 MB

4.12 MB
Delayed Lock 3.9.6

This is a 7 days trial version! License can be bought through an in-app purchase (1.99 EUR / 2.99 USD).The app does not run on Samsung and OPO devices

1.47 MB

InNote is a handwriting note taker featuring a natural digital ink, a full set of tools and a beautiful UI. It is the easiest finger writing app for

13.52 MB

2.99 MB

ip138实用查询包含IP查询、号码归属地查询、列车时刻表查询、天气预报,货币汇率、车牌查询、快递查询、身份证查询、在线翻译、万能单位换算、邮编区号查询、万年历 12个查询功能。是安卓移动平台最强大的在线查询工具。ip138实用查询秉承ip138.com的简单和实用,是安卓手机装机必备应用之一。支持

1.65 MB

42.45 KB

3.89 MB

1.41 MB
eCalc 1.03

eClac, a simple and practical calculating tool, it has the multiple functions such as calculator, currency exchange, discount calculate, unit exchange

558.91 KB
阅历 1.3.0

10.22 MB
CPU tuner 3.4.2

CPU tuner gives you control over the power consumption of your android device. Its prime purpose is to be a battery saver and to save as much battery

1.25 MB

TellMeTheTime provides a speaking clock and a talking night clock. This app tells the user the current time, when you are currently not able to take a

852.99 KB

To work the menu, you must have root privileges !!!functions:1) Turn off device.2) Reboot device.3) Soft reboot.4) Reboot into bootloader menu.5) Rebo

150.81 KB
Writeily 1.6

Writeily is a beautifully simple, text editor for Android devices.Download Writeily Pro for FREEI've launched a brand new app with many of the most re

1.19 MB
FC Catcher 2.1.1.final

Record app crashes and show the logs

2.53 MB

4.09 MB

万部视频,4K画质:【V R 美女】:美人在侧、性感诱惑,体验近在咫尺的心跳;【恐怖来袭】:鬼魂临近、寂静绝望,感受心脏爆炸的窒息;【自然之美】:大漠雪山、沙滩极光,领略深入骨髓的震撼;【极限运动】:飞天遁地、终极挑战,追求灵魂出窍的酷爽 。千款游戏,虚拟人生:【动作激战】:枪战格斗、火力全开,战斗

40.14 MB
猪八戒 5.3.8

【好消息】猪八戒自2015年6月12日起正式取消20%佣金啦!雇主交易成本更低,服务商多赚20%!庆祝免佣政策,猪八戒还拿出百万元福利回馈用户!特设转盘大抽奖,每个用户每天5次抽奖机会,100%中奖哦!【活动】* 0.1元购:1分钱买走你所有心仪的服务* 免费专区:定期更新免费服务,名额有限赶紧行动

26.12 MB

41.74 KB