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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本
美家 2.4.6

13.14 MB

This is a weather application with AD, and it's small.

1.46 MB
JustDoIt 1.17

3.54 MB

4.17 MB
SmartisanOS 1.5.1

“锤子桌面”再现了经典的九宫格、十六宫格设计,应用的批量移动、应用排序、板块整体移动、板块隐藏等功能都可轻松实现。锤子桌面还支持多种样式精美的系统主题可供替换。锤子科技(Smartisan Technology)倾力打造,与锤子日历、锤子时钟、锤子邮件一样,传承了 Smartisan OS 优雅、易

36.58 MB

2.94 MB
OnFire 2.5.4

24.05 MB

Lightweight and powerful random values generator​​ comprising: - Random numbers generator (integer, floating-point: uniform distribution, normal dist

1.1 MB
Levelizer 1.1.1

Levelizer is an open source Android app that gives you haptic feedback when you're attempting to take an unlevel photo.Use your favorite camera; Level

2.13 MB
Disney Mix 2.3.0

Chat, share, and play like never before. Disney Mix is a social messaging app where friends can chat, share, and play in a whole new way! Get creative

96.07 MB
QrQ 1.0.0

1.18 MB

372.17 KB
阻止撤回 1.0.4

311.69 KB

葫芦侠通过修改正在运行的游戏中的内存数据,达到修改游戏中的金钱、血量、得分、道具数量、攻击、防御、魔法等参数。精小,快速,绿色,免费,无广告,喜欢玩手机游戏的你,值得拥有!产品特点:1.数据修改:可以修改几乎所有单机手机的数据(金钱、血量、得分、道具数量、攻击、防御、魔法等参数值); 2.变速齿轮

13.11 MB

24.31 MB
WR助手 3.1

2.39 MB

1.51 MB

Quick access of the basic system information for your Android platform, including information for CPU, memory, SD Card, running processes, network sta

1.54 MB
Kid Locker 1.0.2

✓ Do you want to prevent your children from using unnecessary app?(gmail, facebook, twitter...)✓ You want your children only use apps which you grant

2.93 MB

3.17 MB