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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本
isa-AuTodos 1.1.05

This is a app which support recording audio as todo item, avoid typing on your phone.Highlights: *Recording audio avoid typin. *Add text tags to des

1.01 MB
造物 1.9.0

29.73 MB

13.5 MB
Command Center 3.01.03

2.27 MB

Xtralogic Remote Desktop Client for Android enables you to connect to your Windows computers across the Internet from a mobile device powered by Googl

8.82 MB

The most popular calendar App with more than 5,000,000 users is now here on Android ! ZDcalendar(the team of ZDbox) brings Chinese Lunar , Almanac ,

13.58 MB
咖喱 2.1.6

16.23 MB

43.5 KB
ADI 0.7.4

"One does not simply remove the app drawer icon!"With the release of the new Pixel Launcher, Google removed the app drawer icon and substituted its ac

4.59 MB
Calculator 6.0.10

Calculator is a simple 4 function calculator, with a panel that has more advanced functions when you need them. It includes history, real time graphin

6.21 MB

A simple app to show your note in statusbar. And when you set it up, you can exit it.

14.59 KB

3.55 MB
Moment 3.4.2

【Mind Store 第29期 TOP1 应用】—— 新增全新特工模式 ——双击头像即可呼出特工模式,所输入出来的文字都会被转成密码,只有对方安装Moment键盘才可以解密,再也不怕被别(fu)人(mu)查看聊天记录了~——多国语言自动翻译——Moment支持28种语言的自动翻译,不仅限于中英文翻

20.57 MB

274.91 KB

Floater is a fake location app, that runs from a floating window, allowing easy access to other apps. Fake the location on your phone to any place in

1.8 MB

7.59 MB


2.76 MB

19.55 MB

AppArrange is an auto app organizer and app drawer which makes it easier to find and manage apps on your phone. This user friendly tool auto categori

1.23 MB
Reader 1.2.0

2.7 MB