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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

The Root Checker App let's you check and verify the Root Access and Buzy Box on your Android Device. It will not root your device by any means, and on

2.56 MB

Add-on for START!?. This is not a standalone app. Grant "access superuser" permission. This add-on provides android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER permis

6.39 KB

Get an ad free Flashlight application that doesn't steal your data. Check the source on: https://github.com/NunoPontes/Android-FlashLigth

613.07 KB

**ROOT REQUIRED** **this app does not get root** You can switch enable/disable root by this app! To learn how to use, please open the help from this a

164.88 KB

Simple app to ONLY analyze root access is properly configured!! "" THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT ROOT THE DEVICE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE ROOT ACCESS "" Root

2.01 MB

This application checks your smartphone for superuser functionality. "If you’ve ever attempted to root a device prone to difficulties or requiring a t

631.13 KB

Root Checker is a very tiny app (under 100 KB) that will simply check to see if your device has been rooted or not. Enjoy!

78.99 KB

تطبيق لوحة مفاتيح عربي انجليزي, هو تطبيق يعطيك كيبورد او لوحة مفاتيح باللغتين العربية و الانجليزية,

5.49 MB

Caller name announcer helps you to make decisions about incoming calls without touching the mobile. This application is easy to use and total free on

2.45 MB

★The Ultimate FREE Incoming Caller ID Display & Text-To-Speech SMS Reader★ Caller Name Announcer is a convenient, hands-free way to always know who is

3.35 MB

Root Checker will verify for the root access in your mobile device as well as for busy box too. Note: This does not root your device, it only checks i

2.31 MB

Advanced Reboot [Root] helps to reboot your device quickly & safely in a lot of modes ■ Features ꜜ ✔ reboot your device ✔ reboot to recovery ✔ reboot

1.25 MB

Battery Optimizer & Saver is the most effective battery saver on the market, it's a professional app that allows you to extend the battery life of And

2.59 MB

Format Text application does the following: 1. Reads a text file from your phone 2. Edit the text from the file or you can manually enter the text. 3.

3.97 MB

For now just converts Miles to Kilometers and Fahrenheit to Celsius. More to come soon. I made this for a quick tool for myself but also to get my fee

1.06 MB

قمنا بتصميم البرنامج ليكون جد بسيط ومجاني يضم اذكار الصباح والمساء مكتوبة واذكار المسلم بدون انترنت فهو عبارة عن موسوعة الادعية لانه يحتوي جميعالادعية

41.06 MB

All Muslims face towards at a fixed direction of Kaaba located in Mecca when offering Salat (Namaz), this direction is called Qibla. This app will fin

1.81 MB

شهيوات رمضان مغربية بدون انترنتشهيوات رمضان مغربية بدون انترنيت هو تطبيق مجاني يحتوي على العديد من الوصفات الشهية والصحية التي يمكنك إعدادها في شهر رم

4.37 MB

Aplikasi e-Filing Lapor Pajak membantu mempermudah pengisian SPT Pajak tahunan secara online. Melalui DJP Online berbagai layanan pajak sudah terinteg

4.11 MB

Elios4you is part of the fusebox wiring at home; with two CT's it measures the electricity generated, the energy purchased from and sold to the grid a

2.49 MB