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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

Android ဖုန္းအားလုံးျမန္မာစာအဆင္ေျပစြာထည့္သြင္းေပးနိုင္တဲ့ Font Changer ေလးပါ။ Android 2.0 အထက္ကေန 7.0 အထိထည့္သြင္းေပးနိုင္ပါတယ္ ;) Huawei, Samsung, O

3.24 MB

"Myanmar Kason Font" Root မလိုထည့္သြင္း ျမန္မာစာလုံးအလွတစ္ခုျဖစ္ပါသည္။ ဖုန္းမွာျမန္မာစာလုံးအလွသုံးခ်င္သူမ်ားအတြက္ Myanmar Kason ဆိုတဲ့စာလုံးအလန္းေလးတစ

4.27 MB

*Circuit Basics Pro is available now to download from app store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.frostistudios.circuitbasicspro * Ci

3.68 MB

Gumtree Searcher is another android app that can fetch gumtree listing fast with less loading times. this app can fetch gumtree results instantly with

3.6 MB
قصص 1.0

2.3 MB

Caller Name Announcer will announce incoming caller name, and notify you who is calling. Caller Name Announcer speaks the name of caller and speaks th

2.11 MB

Do not you want to keep a diary where you want it? Do not you want to make an old reminiscence permanent? In addition, your daily life includes work,

7.79 MB

- Hız testi özelliği ile şebekenizdeki 4.5G uyumunu kontrol edebilirsiniz. - Cihaz Uyumluluğu gösterir. - SİM Uyumluluğu gösterir. - Operatör Uyumlulu

3.65 MB

Yakın zamanda 4.5 G duyurusu yapıldı. Peki bu 4.5 G hakkında neler biliyoruz. Ne zaman kullanıma sunulacak ve hangi telefonlar uyumlu olacak. Peki siz

2.77 MB

■■■【重要】■■■ さらに安定性・応答性を高め、かつ低負荷を実現した、新しい「バッテリーモニタ3」をリリースしました。 market://details?id=net.ohanasiya.android.battery_monitor3d それに伴い、本バージョンの開発は終了いたします。 現在、本

333.47 KB
FakeOperator 1.0.2

Spoof your operator without having to modify files manually. ** BETA ** This only works on GSM devices CDMA support (Verzion/Sprint) is currently bein

238.28 KB

It's easy to install apk from SD card.The ApkInstaller is a good tool. keywords:apk,Apk Installer,app installer,Apk manager

87.1 KB

Project Thoth - Beta Version 1.0 Thoth is Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Application for android that can processed photographed images of typewr

8.97 MB
iFile 1.0

- iFile is a best tool manager file for Android. - iFile is a good app masterial design A minimalist file manager for Android 4.1 and above. You won't

3.5 MB

- Are you going to randomly draw lucky winner(s) from hundreds or thousands of entries for your giveaway or raffle? - Are you stuck with multiple-choi

1.94 MB

Generate your nickname in a few seconds. Just open the app and press the button, it’s that simple.

1.41 MB
kost 1.50

2.86 MB

Don't waste more time thinking on a name for your new character, let this app do the work for you. Just tap on the generated name to generate another

3.96 MB

This name picker gives you a collection of 19,000 European origin names that will facilitate the choice for a name of a child or for any other type of

3.01 MB
PerMission 1.1.3

The PerMission store helps you find apps that won't invade your privacy. It uses privacy information when searching for apps, and shows you privacy ra

1.8 MB