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共 75465 个APK 下载 最新版本

Video Image Data Recovery Backup and Restore app for Android. This app will backup and restore files from your device stored in the SD Card You can ch

4.25 MB

Undeleter Recover Files Undeleter Recover Files is an easy way to back up and restore all of the photos and videos on your gallery, plus your contacts

4.14 MB

Undeleter Recover Files Undeleter Recover Files is an easy way to back up and restore all of the photos and videos on your gallery, plus your contacts

4.2 MB
FlashLight 1.0.3

It is flashlight application which slime theme is applied on. Even simple function, cute design can be satisfied for you! When it's 'power failure', '

1.99 MB
e-Health 1.1.6

E-health APP program is an intelligent fitness management platform developed by Shanghai Eway electronic Co.,Ltd, which can gather and analyze the wor

8.8 MB
spring band 2.1.2

Through Spring Band, the user can record the daily life of the movement, sleep and other real-time data, through the data to guide the healthy life. F

5.37 MB

Vegan food Cookbook. Quick and Easy Cooking Best recipes & dishes. Top Rated & reviewed recipes of your favorite cuisine. 100% FREE app. Start cooking

8.32 MB
黃大仙 1.81

黃大仙畫面逼真形象生動,音樂彷彿身臨其境。對於中國人而言,抽籤算命是家喻戶曉的。至於簽之靈驗與否,則褒貶不一。若您在黃大仙廟求簽的話,也可以利用此遊戲查看簽文解簽 此靈簽整整一百支,按寓意吉凶之差別分有五種︰上上簽、上吉簽、中吉簽、中平簽、下下簽。上上簽僅有三支,上吉簽稍多一點有十二支,中吉簽三十支

27.76 MB

呂祖靈簽面生動傳神,佛教常說要“存好心,說好話,做好事”。存好心,誠意老天好運到,心有聖賢,就像良田收成好;說好話,慈悲愛語如東陽,鼓勵讚美,就像百花處處香;做好事舉手之勞功德妙,服務奉獻,就像滿月高空照”。 並且此款算命工具配有靜心音曲。 此韱簽整整一百支,很全面的解韱有家宅,姻緣,財運,出行,自

21.04 MB

حلويات وشهيوات ام وليدتطبيق حلويات وشهيوات ام وليد يعمل بدون أنرتنت يحتوي على أنجح و أفضل الوصفات : وصفات الصابلي وصفات المملحات وصفات الأعراس ومن أرو

4.39 MB

حلويات أم وليدهذا التطبيق يتضمن حلويات طبخ مغربية و وصفات تونسية و امراتية وصفات مصرية وصفات لبنانية وطبخات رمضان خليجية وصفات جزائرية والبيتزات الايط

3.81 MB

حلويات ام وليدحلويات ام وليد تطبيق يحتوي على العديد من الشهيوات, حملي التطبيق و ابهري عائلتك بأشهى المأكولات دون الولوج للانترنيت الأن يمكنك توفير الك

5.61 MB

Infodrogas_VIH is an app developed by Working Group on HIV (TWG) which aims to reduce damage in people with HIV on antiretroviral therapy using drugs

4.49 MB

If your device is not Root and you really want to use this application, It' need root permission to work. Needs previous access to WiFi networks with

3.89 MB

【佳儷曲線運動館】 甩油GO輕鬆~享瘦GO美麗 曲線課程only$40元起 不綁約/不限本人使用/不限課程時段/六館通用 你付得最輕鬆的專業運動館,「佳儷曲線運動館」中部地區有六館直營點(北屯.西屯.五權西.大里.彰化.豐原) 是您31年的運動好朋友!企業朝著「全家通用男女皆可的運動休閒空間」邁進,

3.1 MB

3.57 MB

6.48 MB

Med Reminder is an Android assistant for personal medication management, aimed at those who have trouble following their medication regimen, forget to

12.76 MB
iAssist 2.0.0

Designed mainly for patients prescribed medicines, iAssist allows patients to register their prescription details onto a secured mobile platform, that

6.76 MB

Minimalist vape calculator. The bare basics for newbies to avoid the clutter and confusion. Keywords: Vape, Calc, Calculator, E-Liquid, Liquid, Juice,

2.62 MB