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Aplikacja służąca do zamówienia taksówki w korporacji Axel Taxi Elbląg. Zamów szybko i sprawnie on-line. Application for taxi services in the corpor

5.63 MB

Welcome to Pärnu! The rich history of Pärnu and the joyful daily life offer something for everyone! The centre of Pärnu, the lovely parks and the reso

31.08 MB
Wexas TM Access 20200205

Use Wexas TM Access as your trusted travel companion, helping you manage your itinerary and keeping your trip details easily accessible at all times.

21.51 MB

TartuFic võimaldab avastada Tartut tuntud kirjanike tekstide ja vanade fotode kaudu. Rakendus on mittekommertslikel eesmärkidel kõigile tasuta kasutam

2.01 MB

Celebrating fashion, culture, travel and lifestyle, RETREAT explores the places, people and ideas that inspire and define of-the-moment trends. A love

11.52 MB

Wenn man sich so umschaut: man kann sie verstehen! Die Mönche, die Nonnen, die Pfaffen. 159 Kirchen und jede Menge Klöster zwischen Lech und Loisach.

10.09 MB
Iowa 511 4.8.2

Iowa 511 is the Iowa Department of Transportation's (DOT) official traffic and traveler information app. The Iowa 511 app provides statewide up-to-dat

6.32 MB
Taxi Geral 11.0.2

Este aplicativo foi desenhado para quem busca um serviço de táxi presente no próprio bairro e que garanta que você e sua família serão atendidos por u

10.59 MB

Este aplicativo foi desenhado para quem busca um serviço de transporte executivo presente no próprio bairro e que garanta que você e sua família serão

13.45 MB

Why book hotels at CHEAP HOTELS? CHEAP HOTEL Booking in the world at the cheapest price you can pay on the spot. very suitable for travelers, backpack

7.61 MB

A community initiative to help plan for the next 20 years in Kinsale an what that means for the town

11 MB

We started Empower to empower drivers who can’t make a sustainable living under the current rideshare model and to provide an alternative for passenge

21.08 MB
Rotana Hotels 3.1.15

The completely new & redesigned Rotana app will allow you to search and book over 60 hotels across Rotana’s 5 brands: Rotana hotels & resorts, Rayhaan

28.1 MB

[로얄캐리비안크루즈는?] 로얄캐리비안크루즈는 세계 최대 22만톤급 오아시스호,얼루어호,하모니호 보유 선사인 로얄캐리비안 인터내셔널(Royal Caribbean International), 모던 럭셔리셀러브리티크루즈(Celebrity Cruises), 디럭스 크루즈 대표

4.64 MB
Raido 1.1.0

raido is a best service provider for shortdistance via toto safe and secure ride for everyone in cheapest fare ever so lets start journey with raido.

21.59 MB
MyStay4Less 2.0.2

The application provides with the service of posting requirements of hotels in a specific city where customers may find the best price via bidding met

13.19 MB

Aplikasi IMJEK Driver hadir untuk membantu perkenomian di daerah Kami hadir untuk mengembangkan pendatapan Anda Dengan waktu yang fleksibel, pendapata

19.4 MB

Este aplicativo serve para que você saber com qual combustível você vai abastecer, dependendo do preço de cada combustível você pode andar mais ou men

3.8 MB
Wienerwald 1.9.13

Der Wienerwald heißt Sie willkommen. Er lädt ein zu erfrischender Bewegung in der Natur, zu kulinarischen Genüssen, zu erholsamen Spaziergängen, zu ku

12.52 MB
VanWala 1.16

Van Wala is the FIRST VAN-TRACKING app launched in Pakistan, that aims to simplify your children’s daily commute to and from school. It is an extremel

14.6 MB