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본 시외버스 예매 (IntercityBUS) 어플로 시외버스 (조회, 예매, 예약 취소/변경) 할 수 있습니다. * 예매 내역 조회는 앱 시작화면 3번째 탭에서 하면 되는데, 3개 사이트로 구분됩니다. 본인이 예약한 노선을 정확히 모를 경우 3개 사이트 모두 조회바랍니

2.78 MB


5.33 MB

Timetable for Taiwan Railway

5.26 MB
台北捷运 7.0.0

台北捷運-rGuide 全新登场 ----老牌地鐵查詢應用,累積超過1000萬用戶的出行選擇---- rGuide是Route Guide的簡寫,意為路線指引,專門提供本地出行、旅遊交通的路線指引以及地鐵周邊多樣的消費指南服務。 【主要功能】 ◆操作最簡便:無論是查詢車程還是車站資料,最快只需點擊2

9.51 MB

Features: - Address Book - Home and 4 shortcut keys - Quick Voice Search - Selection of navigation type: car, bicycle, walking, train / bus - Avoid mo

3 MB

WARNING THIS APP HAS BEEN DEPRECATED PLEASE MIGRATE TO OUR NEW APP: A Material design updated app is available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/d

13.03 MB

Hailo is the easiest way to hail a ride, hands down! Set your pickup location, select a car of your choice, tap Hailo Now and that’s it! Available in

8.92 MB

Important information (Dec.2014) : This service is no longer being supported by Samsung Australia. Garmin will continue providing product maintenance,

29.46 MB

Digital GPS Speedometer PLEASE, if there are problems with the app - tell me what is wrong so I can fix it. Don't vote with one star and no comment, t

4.1 MB

【特色】台灣交通類第1名App。出門旅遊,上高速公路必裝軟體,從此不再受塞車之苦。 【功能】 ☆ 即時播放高速公路 國道 即時影像。 ☆ 全台、北、中、南即時路況圖。 ☆ 行車速度。 ☆ 路況事件。 ☆ 休息站服務區。 ☆ 國道通行費試算。 ☆ 行車軌跡記錄。(行車軌跡記錄左右撥動就可以刪除了。)

5.26 MB

PROGOROD car navigation is a map with routing for Russia and other countries which are always with you. You don't depend on Internet connection anymor

28.29 MB

アイハイウェイは、全国の高速道路の交通情報を提供するサービスです。高速道路をご利用いただく際の出発時間、走行ルート、休憩場所の選定などのドライブ計画の検討にお役立て頂くとともに、通行止め発生時などの情報収集にご活用ください。 -------------------- 主な機能 -----------

7.81 MB

This Satellite View maps give details view of major roads & street. Requires GPS & Internet to be enabled at start. With minimum 3 minutes interval if

2.72 MB

Displays your current speed on a digital speedometer, keeps track of your top speed and total distance. SpeedGauge also allows you to easily switch be

864.51 KB

A simple application for use in Korea. Key in the bus number/bus stop number or name for the arrival time of buses at specific bus stop or check bus d

273.74 KB

Easy to use, beautiful world time clock application. Incl. db of ~21000 cities with historic and translated names for large cities. Shows analog and d

503.23 KB

This application displays real time traffic conditions in Japan which are released by JARTIC. This has Japanese and English UI. If you want to switch

839.5 KB

This is a convenient launcher for Google Maps Navigation, similar to the "Navigation" launcher included in Google Maps. Nav Launcher has all the same

163.77 KB

My Car Locator Free is the easiest to use free car locator in the Google Play Store, with all essential information displayed at all times. MyCar Loca

284.91 KB

Удобная проверка и оплата штрафов ГИБДД, проверка водительских удостоверений, а также проверка авто перед покупкой. Приложение позволяет создать свои

3.17 MB