“War - Card War” is a classic card game dedicated for entertainment. This version of the card war brings you behind the scene of the game thanks to new features.
• Classic
• Marshal (as Napoleon said, “Every private may carry a marshal's baton in his knapsack.” )
• to manage the condition of winner (All Cards, 5, 10,...)
• to see your or opponent's cards
• to change how many of cards will be placed on the desk if there is tie/war (1, 2,...)
• to play the same game with new features
• manual/computer/boss control
• the status of power
The cards are divided between two players. Each player reveals the top card of their stack and the player with the higher card wins the “battle” and takes both of the
cards played and moves them to their stack.
If the two cards played are of equal value, then a “war" occurs. According to settings 1 - 15 cards are placed on the desk and again the higher card wins the “battle” and
take all cards.
• Classic
• Marshal (as Napoleon said, “Every private may carry a marshal's baton in his knapsack.” )
• to manage the condition of winner (All Cards, 5, 10,...)
• to see your or opponent's cards
• to change how many of cards will be placed on the desk if there is tie/war (1, 2,...)
• to play the same game with new features
• manual/computer/boss control
• the status of power
The cards are divided between two players. Each player reveals the top card of their stack and the player with the higher card wins the “battle” and takes both of the
cards played and moves them to their stack.
If the two cards played are of equal value, then a “war" occurs. According to settings 1 - 15 cards are placed on the desk and again the higher card wins the “battle” and
take all cards.
- 11/14/2020: War - Card War 2.8
- 08/01/2020: War - Card War 2.7
- 09/28/2018: War - Card War 1.7
- 03/01/2018: War - Card War 1.4
- 报告一个新版本
Free Download
- 软件名称: War - Card War
- 软件分类: 纸牌游戏
- APK名称: com.ProMM.WarCardWar
- 最新版本: 2.8
- 支持ROM: 4.1及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 22.89 MB
- 更新日期: 2020-11-14