This dial widget is an advanced rotation control that you can easily include into any Android project in the form of an AAR file. You can think of this Dial control as a
gesture library that is just concerned with rotation; having all of the conceivable behaviours you could possibly want in a rotation control. Supports API 14+
Features of the HGDialV2 Library: The Features include:
1 The ability to record the direction of rotation.
2 Allows precision rotation settings causing the dial to rotate at a different rate than the gesture (including the ability to rotate in the opposite direction of the
3 It records the number of gesture rotations.
4 It records the number of image rotations.
5 It has a cumulative dial setting. When enabled the rotation will occur relative to the touch; and disabled the rotation will start from the point where the gesture
6 It has an advanced angle snap feature with an angle snap tolerance setting. The tolerance causes the dial to rotate freely until the snap tolerance is met.
7 The dial can operate in single or dual finger mode.
8 With this dial it is possible to set a minimum/maximum rotation constraint.
9 It has a variable dial behaviour causing the rotation rate to change depending on how close the gesture is the centre of the dial.
10 This library comes with a 'fling-to-spin' behaviour; having configurable fling tolerance, spin start/end speed and spin animation duration.
11 A key feature is that the dial controls are designed to interact with each other and any other widgets/layouts that implement touch listeners.
12 All of the above features play together in perfect harmony.
13 Includes state management object.
14 Comes with a demo app complete with source code to help developers get a head start. Though the library is protected by an open source licence, the code for the demo
app is free source.
You can find the open source repository at: https://bitbucket.org/warwick/hg_dial_v2
gesture library that is just concerned with rotation; having all of the conceivable behaviours you could possibly want in a rotation control. Supports API 14+
Features of the HGDialV2 Library: The Features include:
1 The ability to record the direction of rotation.
2 Allows precision rotation settings causing the dial to rotate at a different rate than the gesture (including the ability to rotate in the opposite direction of the
3 It records the number of gesture rotations.
4 It records the number of image rotations.
5 It has a cumulative dial setting. When enabled the rotation will occur relative to the touch; and disabled the rotation will start from the point where the gesture
6 It has an advanced angle snap feature with an angle snap tolerance setting. The tolerance causes the dial to rotate freely until the snap tolerance is met.
7 The dial can operate in single or dual finger mode.
8 With this dial it is possible to set a minimum/maximum rotation constraint.
9 It has a variable dial behaviour causing the rotation rate to change depending on how close the gesture is the centre of the dial.
10 This library comes with a 'fling-to-spin' behaviour; having configurable fling tolerance, spin start/end speed and spin animation duration.
11 A key feature is that the dial controls are designed to interact with each other and any other widgets/layouts that implement touch listeners.
12 All of the above features play together in perfect harmony.
13 Includes state management object.
14 Comes with a demo app complete with source code to help developers get a head start. Though the library is protected by an open source licence, the code for the demo
app is free source.
You can find the open source repository at: https://bitbucket.org/warwick/hg_dial_v2
- 09/18/2018: HGDialV2 3.1
- 报告一个新版本
Free Download
- 软件名称: HGDialV2
- 软件分类: 软件演示
- APK名称: com.WarwickWestonWright.HGDialV2Demo
- 最新版本: 3.1
- 支持ROM: 4.0.3及更高版本
- 软件大小 : 2.02 MB
- 更新日期: 2018-09-18